Google Classroom Information

Click here, or use your google browser to search for "Google Classroom."

Use your school Google account information (email) to enter the classroom, i.e., your

Here's the Class Code numbers to join your history Google Classroom.

Per. 1 - World History - 6wi2g4

Per. 2 - EWU/AP U.S. History - 9wymozh

Per. 3 - World History - ywigux

Per. 4 - World History - bvl2jx

Per. 5 - EWU/AP U.S. History - szvjxs

Per. 7 - Geography and World Cultures - 2cnq6ms

If you're using your Chromebook, the icon for the Google Classroom is in the bottom left corner of your screen. It is - the square green icon, like the image at the top of this page.

Google Account Instructions Students