School Policies & Plans
Attendance & Tardiness
Students are expected to attend school every day, unless they are ill. When returning to school after an absence, students are to bring a note that includes the following information:
Student’s full name
Date(s) of absence
Reason for absence
Parent Signature
A phone call to the office by the parent regarding the absence will be accepted in place of a note. Please call (626.307.3333), email ( or text through TalkingPoints by 9:00am if your child will not be in school that day. Homework may be requested through the teacher.
Students are expected to arrive at school on time, meaning they are through the gate by 8:18am and in their seats by 8:20am. Students who are late miss learning time and disrupt the learning of other students. Students arriving late must report to the office.
Arrival & Dismissal
School opens at 7:45am for students eating breakfast. Those who do not eat breakfast should arrive to school at 8:00am. Please do not drop your child off at school before 7:45am as there is no one available to supervise them. Students may enter campus through the main gate or the kindergarten gate.
Students are released at 2:35pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday dismissal is at 1:35pm. Students will leave campus through the following assigned exits:
Kindergarten Gate (Emerson Place): TK-Grade 2
Main Gate (Emerson Place): Grades 3-6
Students in TK-1 must be picked up by a parent/guardian at the Kindergarten gate each day. Additionally, students in Grade 2 and below will not be allowed to walk home alone. Please make arrangements to pick up your child or for him/her to walk home with an older student. Please follow the directions of all staff members supervising and releasing students after school.
Visitors & Volunteers
Parents/Guardians and other visitors will not be allowed on campus to visit or volunteer until further notice. Please feel free to come to the Emerson School office if you have any questions or need assistance. Parents/Guardians will only be allowed to bring forgotten items to campus for medical and health purposes.
Textbooks & Personal Property
Textooks are issued to each student. These books are on loan for the entire school year and must be maintained in a manner that shows respect and good care. Students will be changed for lost or damaged books.
Emerson Elementary and the Garvey School District do not assume responsibility for personal property brought to school by students. Please make sure that all items have the student's name clearly marked. Students should not to bring large sums of money, expensive jewelry, electronics, athletic equipment, or toys to school.
Campus Safety
Find our Comprehensive School Safety Plan here
An emergency plan has been developed to insure the maximum efficiency and safety during emergency drills and/or evacuations.
Evacuation instructions for fires, earthquakes, and other emergencies are posted in every classroom. Students are expected to take emergency drills seriously and to demonstrate the appropriate conduct.
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
The School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is intended to provide parents and community members with a quick snapshot of information related to individual public schools. As required by law, most data presented in this report are reported for the current school year. School finances and school completion data are reported for the current school year. If you would like a hard copy of this report, please contact Laura Solis, District SARC Coordinator.