Checo Colón-Gaud

Stream Ecology and Consumer-Resource Linkages. Dr. Checo Colón-Gaud’s research group investigates the ecology of freshwater ecosystems and their response to anthropogenic disturbances in order to maintain certain ecological services and functions. Major themes in projects and those of mentored students include the roles of aquatic consumers (invertebrates, fish, amphibians) in organic matter dynamics, nutrient cycling, and energy flow in streams and other freshwater habitats. In particular, Dr. Colon-Gaud’s research team is interested in understanding the response of aquatic consumers to changes in the variability of hydrologic regimes (drought vs. flood) and how these changes may affect consumer-mediated ecosystem processes (e.g., organic matter decomposition).

Research Plan for REU Participant: Students will be able to develop projects and test hypotheses addressing (1) the role of consumers, particularly invertebrates, in organic matter processing, (2) factors influencing invertebrate growth rates and production, and (3) energy flow from resources to consumer compartments. These research topics aim to link aquatic invertebrates, one of the dominant consumers in these systems, to ecosystem processes and function. As part of the research team, students will be able to contribute their own ideas under the guidance of Dr. Colón-Gaud and fellow students, as well as develop collaborative projects with other program faculty.

Visit Dr. Colón-Gaud's website for more information