Marketing & Sales


Marketing professionals create, deliver, and communicate value to customers. They analyze consumer opinions, attitudes, and tastes by leveraging strategic frameworks such as the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place) and the 5 C’s (Company, Collaborators, Customers, Competitors, and Climate/Context). 

Marketers collaborate with cross-functional team members to implement go-to-market strategies and create, manage and enhance products and services. Marketing roles can vary by industry, with certain varieties more common in specific sectors.

Sales or Business Development professionals focus on building relationships with new or existing clients and learning about client needs and opportunities.  They share stories, references and solution information while exploring alternatives to solve client problems.  Sales and Business Development professionals are often the bridge between product development and the client.   Sales roles vary by industry, company and the company's market segmentation (Enterprise Clients or Small Business Clients.  Sales and Marketing professionals often work closely with product managers.  

Key Competencies

Critical Thinking

