What is the Data Labs Playbook?
The Data Labs Playbook is a practical guide for public servants who want to launch a data-informed project in their state. Each section offers best practices, key questions, and tactical tools to use to advance any data project, new or existing.
This playbook is based on lessons learned during the Data Labs program. The information here can be applied to state data projects at any stage in order to ensure data is used effectively to produce better outcomes for state residents.
Public policymakers
IT, data, and innovation experts within government
Departmental decision makers
Budget office representatives
Others interested in improving the use of data in a state
Launch a data-informed policy initiative in your state or mobilize an existing initiative
Learn best practices that other states have employed for using data to inform policy solutions
Create stronger relationships and enhanced coordination between data and policy experts in your state
Establish streamlined data-sharing and open-data practices
Shift government culture toward responsible use and oversight of data
About the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
The Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University seeks to improve people’s daily lives by helping governments utilize data, design, technology, and policy to better meet the needs of their residents. An anchor of Georgetown University’s Tech and Society Initiative, the Beeck Center works alongside public, private, and non-profit organizations to identify and establish human-centered solutions that help government services work better for everyone, especially the most vulnerable and underserved populations.
About the national governors association
The National Governors Association is the voice of the leaders of 55 states, territories, and commonwealths and supports governors in their work to develop innovative solutions to today’s problems. Through the NGA Center for Best Practices, governors work with policy teams to identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national, and global levels.