About state projects

Data Labs has helped 14 state teams design projects that leverage data to enhance service delivery and improve the lives of those they serve.

Each state team tackled a data project related to one of the following issue areas: housing and houselessness, small business support, student outcomes, safety net benefits, and workforce support. 

state stories & Themes

Data Labs brings together cross-functional teams to address data challenges across critical issue areas. A project might build on an existing effort in a state or be an entirely new initiative. Explore the stories of state teams below to discover how they are leveraging data in their state.

state projects

During their Data Labs journey, state teams encounter unique challenges and learn best practices to address them. Click on each state below to learn more about their team, the problem they were solving, and the approach they employed.

About the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation

The Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University brings together students, expert practitioners, and extended networks to work on projects that solve societal challenges using data, design, technology, and policy. Our projects test new ways for public and private institutions to leverage data and analytics, digital technologies, and service design to help more people.

About the national governors association

The National Governors Association is the voice of the leaders of 55 states, territories, and commonwealths and supports governors in their work to develop innovative solutions to today’s problems. Through the NGA Center for Best Practices, governors work with policy teams to identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national, and global levels.