About Data Labs

What is Data Labs?

Data Labs helps states launch data-sharing projects that improve government services and the lives of residents. We do this by convening cross-functional state teams, offering in-depth technical assistance, and leveraging insights from subject matter experts. 

Produced in partnership with the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University and the National Governors Association, Data Labs empowers governments to make better data-informed decisions by using data more effectively, efficiently, and equitably.

data labs offers:


Over the 9-month virtual program, state teams spend 1-2 hours per week on the activities listed below. By the end of Data Labs, states walk away with a customized action plan that gets key stakeholders on board and kickstarts a thoughtfully designed data-informed project.


Kick-Off Convening

Data Labs begins with a kick-off convening featuring a program orientation, discussions with subject matter experts, and interactive activities for state teams to get to know their peers.

Roadmap Workshops

Monthly skill-building workshops featuring insight from subject matter experts and interactive activities for participants to apply the concepts to their unique projects. Roadmap workshops include all Data Labs participants. 

Cohort Check-ins

Monthly collaborative discussions among states working on similar issue areas. These meetings offer space for informal dialogue and problem solving so participants can seek insight from peers, brainstorm ideas, and collaboratively troubleshoot challenges. 

State Team Internals

Bi-Weekly, tactical huddles led by a designated team member and with administrative support from the Beeck Center program manager. These meetings offer space for each individual team to internally align on and discuss the tactical components of their projects, such as reviewing the project timeline, tracking progress, clarifying priorities, and troubleshooting challenges.

Individual Work + Additional Support

As needed, participants conduct work outside of scheduled meetings such as conducting a data inventory, meeting with a legal representative, etc. Teams can also request additional support from their program managers. 

Wrap Up Convening

Data Labs concludes with a final wrap up convening where states will present their work to their peers, reflect on their experiences, and prepare to continue the work beyond the program. 



The inaugural Data Labs cohort included government data and policy experts from eight states— California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin. 


Data Labs is made possible through the advice and support of our partners, who have played a key role in shaping this new initiative by generously sharing their time and expertise.

About the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation

The Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University brings together students, expert practitioners, and extended networks to work on projects that solve societal challenges using data, design, technology, and policy. Our projects test new ways for public and private institutions to leverage data and analytics, digital technologies, and service design to help more people.

About the national governors association

The National Governors Association is the voice of the leaders of 55 states, territories, and commonwealths and supports governors in their work to develop innovative solutions to today’s problems. Through the NGA Center for Best Practices, governors work with policy teams to identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national, and global levels.