
Prof. Yi-Hsiang Hsu  許益祥

Vice President, Profound Therapeutics, Flagship Pioneering, Cambridge, MA

Program Director and associate Professor, GeriOMICS program, Marcus Institute for Aging Research, Harvard Medical School, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Dr. Hsu’s research focuses on (1) genetic contribution of common aging relevant disorders using population-based next generation whole genome sequencing, exome-sequencing and GWAS approaches; (2) statistical method development on multiple-phenotype association analyses; and (3) identifying biomarkers of osteoporosis using metabolomics. 

Drug target discovery and identification, patient stratification, Statistical Genetics, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Computational biology, Deep-learning machine learning.

Publication List

Pf. Liming Liang  梁黎明

Professor of Statistical Genetics
Faculty Affiliate in the Department of Biostatistics
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

My group focuses on developing the computational and statistical tools for analyses of multi-omics data to understand the biological mechanism for diseases and provide prediction model to assess future risk and individual benefit for intervention.

Publication List

Dr. Wan-Ping Lee  李婉萍

Research Assistant Professor at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Associate Director for IT of NIAGADS (The National Institute on Aging Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease Data Storage Site)

Dr. Wan-Ping Lee is a Research Assistant Professor in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine, UPenn. She also serves as the Associate Director of IT at The National Institute on Aging Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease Data Storage Site (NIAGADS) and as the Co-Chair of the Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) Structural Variant (SV) Working Group. With a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Dr. Lee is a seasoned bioinformatics scientist with a strong foundation in algorithm and software development. Her over a decade of experience in bioinformatics software development has produced leading tools, including short-read sequence mappers and variant detectors, widely used in projects like the 1000 Genomes Project and ADSP. Dr. Lee's research focuses on human genomic variations, particularly SVs such as deletions, insertions, tandem duplications, inversions, and translocations. From 2014 to 2020, she was an active member of the Human Genome Structural Variation Consortium, emphasizing long-read technology for decoding SVs. Since joining UPenn, her team has contributed to the ADSP SV Working Group. Dr. Lee also has extensive experience in cloud computing, a skill she honed as a Senior Lead Scientist at Seven Bridges Genomics. Her ongoing proficiency in cloud computing remains a significant asset at NIAGADS, where she leverages her expertise to propel the institute's research endeavors.


Publication List

Dr. Chia-Yen Chen 陳家彥

Associate Scientific Director at Biogen Inc.

Dr. Chen is a Statistical geneticist focusing on leveraging large-scale human genomic datasets and biobanks for drug development in psychiatric and neurological diseases. Published on statistical methods, genetic analyses based on biobanks with electronic health records (EHR), large-scale genetic association studies for psychiatric disorders. 

Publication List

Dr. Yen-Chen (Anne) Feng  馮嬿臻

Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University

Dr. Feng is an assistant professor at the Institute of Health Data Analytics and Statistics at National Taiwan University. A genetic epidemiologist by training, Dr. Feng completed her doctorate at Harvard University and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Broad Institute. Her research focuses on neuropsychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy and mental illness, where she investigates the genetic determinants of human health using statistical genomics and DNA sequence data. She also studies the burden of rare genetic variations and polygenic risk that underlie disease onset and drug response, and her work aims to determine the causal relationship between genetics and complex traits with significant implications for public health.

Publication List

Dr. Chen-yu Liu  劉貞佑

Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Health, National Taiwan University

My major research interests are environmental and molecular epidemiology, with a special focus on the interaction between environmental exposures and common genetic variation and epigenetic modifications. 

Publication List

Dr. Hai-liang Huang  黃海亮

Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital


The Huang Lab develops and applies cutting-edge statistical genetics and computational techniques to understand the genetic architecture of human complex disorders, especially autoimmune and psychiatric disorders. We are especially interested in novel methods to leverage cross-ancestry genomics data for insights into the disease pathogenesis. Huang Lab is a member of the Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit at the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute, and Harvard Medical School. Huang lab works closely with the International Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Consortium (IIBDGC) and the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC).

Publication List

Yen-Feng Lin, MD ScD 

Assistant Investigator Attending Physician at Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes

Board-certified psychiatrist in Taiwan. 

Strong research professional with a Doctor of Science focused in Genetic Epidemiology from Harvard School of Public Health. 

Publication List

Yu-Hsiang Lin  林玉祥

XQUARE, Inc.共同創辦人

目前正在生物資訊領域創業,共同創辦XQUARE, Inc.,希望用資訊技術推動生命健康事業的創新,建立基因資料分析平台,協助臨床科學發展。 


Dr. Hou-Wei Chu  褚候維

Chief Biomedical Officer of Taiwan Biobank, Academia Sinica

Dr. Chu is an expert in the field of biobanking and a facilitator of Taiwan Biobank participant recruitment and laboratory operations. He has established and managed about 40 recruitment stations across Taiwan, utilizing advanced automation technology to ensure a seamless and efficient workflow. Dr. Chu holds a master's degree in genetics from National Yang Ming University and Ph.D. in Life Sciences from Taiwan National Defense Medical Center

Taiwan Biobank website

Dr. Wen-Cheng Chou 周文城

Postdoctoral fellow

Dr. Chou is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Chen-Yang Shen's lab at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica. His research focuses on identifying causal variants from GWAS. He aims to demonstrate the molecular basis and biological mechanisms underlying susceptibility loci of complex traits by integrating bioinformatic and experimental approaches.

Related studies

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Dr. Hung-Hsin Chen 陳弘昕

Assistant Research Fellow (Institute of Biomedical Sciences)

Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. in Epidemiology from Vanderbilt University in 2020, and he has been an assistant research fellow at the Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica since 2023, after completing his postdoctoral training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. His research emphasizes identifying novel disease genes through multi-omics and biobank analysis. He succeeded in leveraging large-scale biobanks' cryptic and distant relatedness to identify undiagnosed and misdiagnosed rare pathogenic variant carriers. In addition, he is interested to apply multi-omics approaches, such as RNA-sequencing and proteome profiling, to reframe the molecular signature of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.


Publication List

Dr. Yu-Tien Chang 張語恬

Associate Professor
School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center

Dr. Yu-Tien Chang is an Associate Professor in School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center (NDMC). She earned her PhD. degree in Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences of NDMC in 2017 and served as a visiting research fellow in Harvard Medical School Affiliated Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research in 2024. Her research interests are using AI and bioinformatic methods to explore the biomarkers of cancers and the risk factors related to diseases. She has conducted extensive studies in breast, colorectal, kidney, and bladder cancer, and aging. Additionally, Dr. Chang is interested in leveraging AI technologies such as ChatGPT (large language learning model), image identification, and LLM for health promotion and medical research. Examples of her work include developing a Line bot for health diet and weight loss and predicting pain levels using smart wearable devices. Dr. Chang welcomes international collaborations and invites interested parties to get in touch.

Application of bioinformatic and machine learning methods to analyze integrated genomic and health related data in cancer and public health research.

Publication List

Dr. Ming-Ju Tsai 蔡明儒

Senior Scientist, Computational Biology at Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Ming-Ju Tsai is currently a Senior Scientist within the Preclinical and Translational Science Department of the Computational Biology function at Takeda Pharmaceuticals. He focuses on the application of ML/AI methods with omics data to support pre-clinical and translational pipelines. Before joining Takeda, Ming-Ju served as a Senior Scientist on the Computational Biology team at Kronos Bio, concentrating on drug discovery. In this role, he leveraged multi-omics data to construct oncogenic transcriptional regulatory networks and identify targets in the field of oncology. Prior to his work in industry, Ming-Ju was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School.

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