ACE Culture Clubs

African Student Association (ASA)

The African Student Association is where anyone from every background can come together to find ways to celebrate and educate themselves on African culture.  Follow us on ig:@asageneseo! 

Black Student Union (BSU)

General Meetings on Thursdays at 5PM in the Fireside Lounge! Follow us on ig:@bsugeneseo!

In order to unite through the greater awareness of the cultures of the African Diaspora the Black Student Union uses cultural, educational and social activities to establish this constitution. 

Caribbean Student Association (CSA)

General Meetings every other Monday at 7PM in the Fireside Lounge! Follow us on ig:@csageneseo!

The Caribbean Student Association is where students from many different Caribbean and other cultural backgrounds come together and embrace the Caribbean culture and history. 

Chinese Culture Club at Geneseo (CCCG)

General Meetings on Mondays at 7PM in the CU 322/323! Follow us on ig:@cccgeneseo!

The Chinese Culture Club at Geneseo is dedicated to promoting and educating students on Chinese culture and diaspora. 

Hillel at Geneseo

Weekly Shabbat on Fridays in the Interfaith Center (IFC)! Services at 5:30 PM, Dinner served at 6:15PM! Follow us on ig:@geneseohillel!

Hillel at Geneseo is a place where Jewish students can find their home away from home. Hillel is committed to providing a pluralistic, egalitarian, and inclusive community for Jewish college students, where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually, and socially. 

Japanese Culture Club (JCC)

General Meetings on Thursdays at 6PM in the CU 322/323! Follow us on ig:@geneseojcc!

Japanese Culture Club exists to promote relations between members of the club and the community through the exploration of Japanese culture. We act as a bridge between Japanese, American, and any culture with the intention to exchange cultural views and to dispel stereotypes. 

Korean American Student Association (KASA)

General Meetings on Wednesdays at 8PM in the CU 322/323! Follow us on ig:@kasa.geneseo!

The purpose of the Korean American Student Association is to unite individuals of all cultural backgrounds to share and experience Korean culture through various educational, social, and recreational programs. 

Latinx Student Association (LSA)

General Meetings on Thursdays 6PM at the Fireside Lounge! Follow us on ig:@lsa_geneseo!

The goals of the Latinx Student Association is to aid in developing an appreciation and understanding of the Latinx culture, to promote education and scholastic achievement among members, to provide a positive interaction with the community, and to foster such programs as may be indicated by these objectives. 

Pride Alliance 

General Meetings on Thursdays at 8PM in the Hunt Room! Follow us on ig:@prideatgeneseo!

Pride Alliance provides a safe and welcoming community for LGBTQ+ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, pansexual, asexual, nonbinary, etc.) and ally members. 


General Meetings on Wednesdays at 6PM in the Fireside Lounge! Follow us on ig:@shaktigeneseo! Email:

Shakti is SUNY Geneseo's South Asian club. The word 'Shakti' originates from Sanskrit and means power or strength. Shakti at Geneseo represents the people of the countries of South Asia—India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, and the Maldives.

Shakti's goal is to spread South Asian culture to the students at SUNY Geneseo, and make them more aware of the countries, culture, customs, problems, and people of South Asia. At weekly General Meetings we talk about festivals, diversity, political events, games, and such that take place in the countries of South Asia.  Members consist not only of students from South Asian countries, but also students who want to know more about the region, and want to be involved in our events. 

Filipinix Student Union (FSU)

Anyone of any background is welcome to come join us every other week on Wednesdays at 5PM in the Fireside Lounge! Follow us on ig: @fsugeneseo! Email:

Mabuhay! The Filipino Student Union (FSU) at SUNY Geneseo is a cultural organization that aims to celebrate Filipino culture. We aim to provide a community and safe-space for those who are Filipino-identifying and those who appreciate our Philippine culture.