January 21, 2021

Dear Elementary Families,

As you have been informed by Ms. Murphy, our students will be moving to remote learning on Sunday, January 24th and Monday, January 25th.

At the beginning of each week you receive the Weekly Learning Grid from your child’s teacher. You will receive the Learning Grid for next week through email, and Google Slides for Sunday through Seesaw on Saturday evening so you can plan your Sunday accordingly.

As always, our staff and students are well-prepared for this and your child’s teacher will communicate with you regarding access to learning Sunday morning. 

Here are some instructions that will help should you have difficulty.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday.

Craig Cantlie

Executive Principal, Elementary

Zoom Instructions.pdf

Library News

Our Dubai American Academy Elementary library is thrilled to be hosting an author visit with Mac Barnett for grades 1-5 on February 3rd and 10th. 

Author visits provide immense value to our students and to our reading, writing, and library programs. During author visits students are able to build deep connections to what they are reading, and think about authors’ choices in writing and illustrating. Students build connections with an author and celebrate the value in their own writing. Author visits are authentic learning experiences that help us support our students’ love of reading and identity as authors. 

During our upcoming visit our students will also have the opportunity to ask questions to Mac Barnett to learn more about him and his writing. If your children have any questions they would like to ask Mac during his visit, please fill out this Google Form with the details. Our library team will select the best questions submitted, and the selected students will have the opportunity to ask Mac their questions during the visit.

To build off of this amazing opportunity, DAA Elementary will be celebrating a Creative Writing Week from March 21st-25th. Reflecting on Mac Barnett’s author visit, we will spend time as a school community making space for writing of all types from fantasy to historical fiction. Students will build authentic connections between subjects by creating artwork to accompany their writing. At the end of our week students will be encouraged to share their creative writing across classes. Our very best and most creative writers will have the opportunity to become visiting authors themselves, and to share their work and reflections on their writing and publishing process with the student body. 

Have a great weekend.


Laine Palendat 

Dubai American Academy Elementary Librarian

The Great Kindness Challenge

Spots Article - Great Kindness Challenge.pdf

ES Photos from the week! 

Inquiry, Numeracy and Literacy. 
Recess fun and great teamwork
Mapping and Measurement with Pepper, Cubetto and Ozobots
Show & Tell is always fun! 
Maps, globes and continents! 

Elementary Update from January 13, 2021

A window into our world as a learning community.


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key contacts

Should your child(ren) need to be away from school due to illness or appointments, please contact our School Secretaries.

KG1 - Grade 2: Grace Ajib  g.ajib_daa@gemsedu.com /04 704 9705

Grades 3-5: Jessica Oppermann  j.oppermann_daa@gemsedu.com /04 704  9724

General Elementary Inquiries:  elementary_daa@gemsedu.com

Craig Cantlie 

Executive Principal of Elementary (K - Grade 5)c.cantlie_daa@gemsedu.com

Nathalie Salemeh   

Elementary Principal, Grades 4 and 5n.salameh_daa@gemsedu.com

Noha Bishara              

Assistant Elementary Principal, Grades 2 and 3n.bishara_daa@gemsedu.com

Tooshna Gandhi          

Assistant Elementary Principal, KG1, KG2 and Grade 1t.gandhi_daa@gemsedu.com