Slices Catering

Slices, our catering service provider, offers lunch options for students.  A cashless system is implemented on campus.  All families who have access to the GEMS Parent Portal have automatically been provided with a Slices account. To recharge your Slices account through the web browser of the GEMS Parent Portal, please follow the below instructions:

Parents of students in Elementary (Grades KG - 5) can pre-order every Wednesday until Thursday at 11:00 am for the following week. Orders can be submitted through the GOOGLE FORM HERE, or by scanning the QR code to the right.

Students in Middle (Grades 6-8) and High School (Grades 9-12) will also be able to purchase from the Slices Canteen using a cashless system.  Buffet and live stations for food are currently suspended, however, Slices will be offering pre-packed items for consumption. Pre-ordering is not required.

The January menus will be uploaded later in December.

Questions can be directed to