Google Docs

Google Docs is a platform that can be used for co-constructing content and authentic learning individually or in partnerships with others in a supportive environment that allows for autonomy and reflection where everyone’s voice is valued.

What does it do?

A Google Doc is a live digital document similar to Microsoft Word that allows participants to collaborate, write, edit, and revise and to give and receive feedback in real time.


How is it Used by Teachers?

How is it Used by Students?

  • Supports shared content planning, instruction and resources as a collaborative tool

  • Allows teachers to look at the journey of learning through the progression history as an accountability measure (under file)

  • Allows for modeling how to collaborate for student interactive discussions and integration of ideas

  • Cross-curricular planning and instruction with feedback with groups of teachers or students on one particular project/assignment

  • Gives teachers opportunity to have a dialogue with students (feedback, ask questions, and reflect on practices) in real time in both learning and assessment

  • Collaborate, revise and share presentations, assignments, writing project, etc. individually or in groups

  • Give and receive feedback for assessment and reflective purposes

  • Holds students accountable through being an active participant in their own learning process