The Nostratic Hypothesis

Language Families 

I've always loved looking at The Guardian's Language Family Tree (pictured to the right), so I came up with my project: Doing research into the Nostratic Hypothesis and presenting a language family tree with information explaining the different connections to make the Nostratic Hypothesis more easily accesible to the public.

Elevator Pitch

My IP10 project takes the form of a giant felt tree connecting several different languages from the ground up. This will help people from diverse linguistic backgrounds understand the Nostratic Hypothesis - something currently only accessible through academic texts- and find community as well as helping them form mutual respect for people of different backgrounds. This project has helped me learn about the interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated languages as well as helping me learn how to peruse academic texts effectively.

Driving Question

How can I use etymology to connect languages from across the world into one language family tree that is comprehensible to help language learners pick the best language for them?