Focus Playlist For Student Success


My aim with this project is to help individuals who easily get distracted in improving their focus and completing tasks efficiently. My final project is a playlist of songs specifically for female students with ADHD. 

I have ADHD and I was diagnosed in 8th grade. Before that, I always used to use music as a tool to help me study. I always wondered if this was actually beneficial for my learning. Many children, girls specifically, go undiagnosed, and their academics suffer from it. Females present ADHD symptoms differently than boys do, resulting in an extreme lack of research around that topic. As someone who was undiagnosed for the majority of my life, my motivation for this project is to help other undiagnosed girls with school, even if it is just a little.

Guiding Question

How can I create a playlist to help girls with ADHD, and students in general, focus?

Elevator Pitch

I want to learn about how music affects the brain, specifically one's ability to focus. I will complete this through researching, talking to experts and testing. My final result will be a playlist and presentation of my acquired knowledge. I will share this with other students to improve their focus.