Our Journey

Temple ISD has chosen to phase in Blended Learning through a series of annual cohorts. The Pioneer Cohort started the journey in 2017 and set the groundwork for future explorers. Since then, dozens of teachers, principals, directors, and other administrators have gone through rigorous training, observations, and refinement to envision a model of excellence placing the needs of the student as paramount.

This is a journey, not a destination. Today, several groups across the district are engaged in direct training while others are still going through a phase of formal and informal discovery. Each year the processes become more polished. We see ourselves as learners taking risks, asking questions, challenging beliefs, and realizing a future.

With any trailblazing there are setbacks, decisions to be made, fear of the unknown, and the temptation to turn around. But there is also great reward!

Are you ready for the journey?