Integrated Content Resources

Instructional materials are accessible and aligned to support teaching and learning.

Integrated Content Resources for Early Learning

Great practical tips for helping young learners use technology in the classroom.

  1. Use software that is age-appropriate.
  2. Use tech as a tool instead of a supplement.
  3. Start small and allow for exploration.
  4. Have extra adult support for troubleshooting.
  5. Use screencasts to give visual instructions to new software.
  6. Keep logins simple and accessible to students.
  7. Scaffold instructions for independence with software.
  8. Let them struggle (and problem-solve).
  9. Individualize instruction to build independence in thinking/learning.
  10. Allow for creativity and collaboration.
  11. Integrate technology regularly and in a variety of ways.

Blended Learning In Action (4:05)

This video shows great station rotation (center) management for early learners. Notice the different stations and how they are organized.

Compass Learning Sticker Charts

Shelly Reid, first grade teacher at Mission Delores Academy, shows how she created an incentive chart to map student progress in Compass Learning.

Integrated Content Resources for Grades 3-5

What Blended Learning Looks Like in the Classroom

This video show how teachers in a 4th/5th and a 9th grade classroom are using blended learning promote small groups, student collaboration, effective technology use, and student feedback.

Integrating Digital Content - 3rd Grade

Amanda Ashcraft, 3rd grade teacher in the Enlarged City School District of Middletown, New York, talks about how to use digital content to find teaching resources, differentiate, looking at data, create targeted small groups, or reteach the large group.

Integrated Content Resources for Middle School

Using Playlists to Differentiate Instruction

Tracy Enos, an eighth grade teacher in Rhode Island, uses playlists to individualize instruction. These "digital roadmaps" allow students to work at their own pace and level. The article contains several ELA playlists as examples.

Want to learn more about Tracy? Check out her blogspot at

Blended Learning at Whittemore Park Middle School

This video takes you through the setup of a middle school blended learning classroom. There are lots of visual examples of schedules, groupings, and classroom setup.

Integrated Content Resources for High School

Building a Culture of Educational Responsibility and Ownership Through Blended Learning

In this Schoology Exchange article, ESL instructor Rebekah Palmer gives examples of how Schoology can be used to:

  • Set Learning Goals
  • See the Process of Autonomous Learning
  • Meet Academic Expectations
  • Be Responsible for Required Learning
  • Go Beyond Required Learning
  • Empower Students to Help Each Other

Blended Learning Energizes High School Math Students

High school teachers at Oakland Unity High School talk about how they use Khan Academy to help students who have gaps in math. The teachers talk about how the the immediate feedback encourages student ownership and higher test scores.

Integrated Content Resources for Career and Technology Education

How to Experience the Benefits of a Flipped Classroom in CTE

Jim Schultz, president of AES, outlines 4 reasons to flip:

  • Increased student engagement and deeper learning
  • More interest generated in health care subjects
  • Better flexibility with varying technology access
  • Meeting the needs of diverse learners more easily

Integrated Content Resources for Fine Arts Education

Insights from a Blended Learning Teacher

In this interview, Amy Carlson, an art teacher at Highline School District in Seattle talks about using station rotation in her art class.

Blended Learning in the Performing Classroom

In this blog post on the National Association for Music Education site, Philip Dolan talks about the benefits of blended learning in a performance-based classroom. These benefits include using an LMS to facilitate discussions and submitting student-recorded performances for practice logs or individual playing tests.

Integrated Content Resources for Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Education

37 Tech Tools for every World Language Classroom

This article contains a list of 37 apps that a group of Spanish teachers that participate in the Twitter chat (#langchat) have found helpful in the classroom.