
Welcome to Fall! After a very hot summer, we hope you are enjoying the cooler weather! The beginning of the school year can be very busy with figuring out transitions, schedules, and new routines. Now that we have began to settle into the year, we want to encourage you to be intentional with your family about connecting with each other, your child(ren)'s school(s), and the community. We have included resources and information to help support those connections, and we'd love to hear back from you with any suggestions/questions through our comment form at the bottom!

CALENDAR 2022-2023

Supporting & Setting Your Child Up for Success

  1. Fueled up Children who eat a healthy breakfast each day have more energy available for learning. Try simple, protein-loaded options like homemade scrambled-egg-and-cheese breakfast burritos, waffles smeared with nut butter, or yogurt-and-fruit smoothies.

  2. Become a class parent You'll develop a closer relationship with the teacher and will get an inside look into what goes on in the classroom, usually without having to commit a ton of time. Class parents organize other parent volunteers for parties and events, may help the teacher create a newsletter, or might document the school year in photos. Ask the teacher what his or her specific needs will likely be this year.

  3. Connect with your kids' teachers Many schools schedule parent-teacher conferences in October and November. Attending this meeting should be a priority for all parents and guardians. This is your chance to see how things are going with your children and to partner with their teachers on improving performance. Ask: “What could we be doing at home to practice what they're learning?” National PTA has created grade-by-grade Parent Guides that can be a resource for what to discuss at conferences. Find out more at pta.org/parentsguide.

  4. Seek extra help Does it seem your child is going to have trouble keeping up? Ask the teacher if there are any tutoring opportunities and resources to help reinforce his or her learning outside of class.

US Dept. of Education Count Down to Success

Community Happenings

Click HERE for more information and a list of other ESL classes in the area

GCISD is not responsible for the contents of this flyer or electronic communication, nor does GCISD endorse any products and/or services referenced in this communication or provided by this provider. Parents sign-up or use advertised programs at their own risk.

District Resources

(Click on Pictures to access links)

GCISD Curriculum Overview

GCISD Parent Tech Resources

GCISD Security

New to GCISD Site

Have you done these three important things yet? If not, NOW is the time! (Click on pictures for links)

Log into Skyward

Check your child's grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, emergency information, and more!

Complete Free/Reduced Lunch Application

There are many other benefits associated with the free and reduced application, such as free hotspots, Exam Fees waived, discounts on college applications, discounts on summer school classes, other school activities and much more.

Complete Volunteer Background Check

This must be completed before you are able to volunteer in any capacity at your child's school, including the classroom, field trips, etc.

Ideas, Suggestions, or Requests? Click here or go to https://bit.ly/fescomments!