Course Information

Grading Procedures

All classes in Greater Clark County Schools use the same grading scale. It is as follows:

  • 70% Assessment - Concerts/Contests/Performances, Playing Assessments, Practice Records/Reflections etc.

  • 30% Assignments - worksheets, handouts, classwork, etc.

Playing assessments (recordings) will be posted and submitted using Essential Elements Interactive, the website associated with our method book. Students will set up their account on one of the first days of school and learn how to record and submit assignments early in the year.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to be in attendance and participate in ALL performances scheduled. Honor Band and Solo & Ensemble events are optional. Students are expected to be at all after school rehearsals.

Acceptable Excuses for Missing a Rehearsal:

  1. Religious Holidays

  2. Death in the family

  3. Illness (a note from parent and/or doctor required)

Acceptable Excuses for Missing a Performance:

  1. Death in the family

  2. Severe Illness (doctor’s note required)

Doctor and Dental appointments (when not associated with severe illness), job interviews, car repairs, driver’s tests, job responsibilities, babysitting, college testing, hair appointments, etc., are not considered valid excuses due to the predictability of our schedule.

Due to the predictability of our schedule, failure to schedule a ride home is not an excused absence.

Class Expectations

There are four rules to follow while in the Band Room:

  1. Absolutely NO TALKING when the teacher is working.

  2. On a rehearsal cut-off, all playing stops immediately.

  3. You must have your instrument, method book, music, pencil, and chromebook EVERY DAY.

  4. No food or drink in the band room (water is allowed with a note from the nurse).

If a student breaks a rule, the following consequences occur (in order):

  • Warning

  • Infraction

  • Instrument away, separated from class, discussion after class

  • Sent to ISR with an Office Referral

Class Procedures

Upon entering class each day, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the room in a respectful manner.

  2. Assemble your instrument and be in your seat with a stand, music, and pencil within one minute of the tardy bell ringing.

  3. If you need to buy reeds, valve oil, etc. through the band office, do so before class begins. Supplies will not be sold once class has started.

At the end of class, carefully put your instrument away, return your stand to the rack, and return to your seat until the dismissal bell rings.

Required Materials



Method Book


Spiral-bound notebook


At least three working reeds at all times

Cork grease



Method Book


Spiral-bound notebook


Valve Oil

Slide Grease


Percussion Kit (snare pad & bell kit)

Method Book


Spiral-bound notebook


Snare Sticks (Vic Firth SD1)

Xylophone/Bell mallets (Malletech BB34)

Marimba mallets (Innovative Percussion IP240)

Stick/Mallet Bag

Concert Attire

Students will provide:

  • Khaki pants

  • Clean/nice shoes

Students will purchase through school:

  • Parkview Performing Arts polo (approx. $20 cost)