School Counseling Elementary

Overview of Elementary Counseling Services by Month & Topic

  • September - Introduction to Counseling

    • Who the counselors are, what services we provide and how to access us for help

  • October - Bullying

    • Definition of bullying, preventing and intervening if bullying occurs

  • November - Healthy Minds

    • Identifying emotions, and healthy coping skills

  • December - Careers

    • What a career is, possible paths after high school, explore career interests

  • January - Growth Mindset

    • What is a growth mindset, the value of persistent effort

  • February - Empathy

    • How to express concern for others, understand and share feelings

  • March - Social Skills

    • How to make/keep friends, using manners, teamwork, and personal space

  • April - Safe Choices/Healthy Living

    • Calming strategies, safe vs unsafe behaviors

  • May & June - SOL Prep & Individual School Needs

    • Study skills, test-taking strategies, test-anxiety calming techniques

Elementary lessons are grade level appropriate as determined by the school counselor. For more detailed information, please reach out to your student's school counselor directly.