The School Day


In Nursery we have a play based approach to all our learning. All activities follow the children's interest and they have the independence to explore both the indoors and the outdoors. The nursery session is split up with Phase 1 Phonics and snappy maths with lots of exploring throughout!


In the mornings we have a more formal Phonics, Literacy and Maths sessions, which include play based activities both inside and outdoors.

The afternoon sessions are Topic based and include investigations, music, dance and art activities, as well as child initiated activities where children can explore their own interests throughout the environment supported by adults who are on hand to guide their learning.

All children in EYFS are entitled to free milk and fruit which is available for them throughout the day.

The ENvironment

At George Betts we are fortunate to have great indoor and outdoor areas!

Resources are set up so that children have can independently access what they would like/need to continue their own learning.