Getting Organised

Getting yourself organised

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Things to do

  • Activate your College Gmail account (see Activate your Google Account)

  • Get to know your Google Workspace, find your timetable

  • Get to know the library catalogue and see what books and magazines are available. Click link for more information on Library Services

Study Places

  • Find a quiet place to study – make use of the Learning Resource Centres (Library, E-Learning Zone) or Creative Industries LRCs - get to know your College support areas

  • Choose a place with few distractions

  • Make sure you have easy access to the tools and resources that you need to study - see Learning Resources and Additional Support

Plan when you are going to study

  • How much time do you need? An hour a day, twice a week?

  • Could more time be made available if necessary?

  • How will you achieve a positive work/study/life balance?

  • Know your best working time of day

  • Take regular breaks

  • Break tasks down into manageable amounts

  • Don't leave it to the last minute - it's better to study a 'little and often'

  • Do you work better on your own or with someone – consider finding a study buddy

  • How will you manage your workload to meet the required deadlines?

  • Use spare time productively

  • Be realistic, schedule large blocks of time for completing major projects

  • What will you do to avoid or minimise interruptions when you are studying?

  • How will you deal with interruptions if (and when) they occur?

  • If you are unable to study as planned how will you ‘catch up’?

Organise yourself

  • Get off the phone, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!

  • Remember that things always take longer than you think

  • Get comfortable but keep awake and attentive

  • Build in rewards for effective study

  • Ensure you take regular exercise and eat a healthy diet

  • Allow time for things to go wrong

  • Learn some de-stress techniques

  • Ask for help when you need it

Organise others

  • Agree with mates about study time

  • Schedule time for socialising

  • Don't let others misuse your time

  • Learn to say "No"