Stress Management

It is really important during stressful times like this that you are doing thing to care for yourself, especially if you also need to help care for your family. You can't pour from an empty cup! Below are some simple ways that you can make sure you are taking care of yourself.

  1. Stay Active- Stress hormones are getting our body "ready for action" so doing exercise helps use them up and de-stress.

  2. Get Enough Sleep- As a teenage, your body is changing and growing at a rapid rate and sleep is important for your development. Not getting enough sleep can lead to you feeling emotional and you may find it difficult to concentrate. You should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep every night.

  3. Manage Your Time- You have a lot of school work coming at you every day and the last thing we want is for you to get overwhelmed to try to "schedule" time for your classes so you aren't spending too much time on one class and not enough in another. Also make sure when you are scheduling your day, you are making time for yourself.

    1. Spend 30 minutes working for each class.

    2. Pick a day of the week to concentrate on one class.

  4. Have Fun- Just as it is important to make sure you are working on school work, it is just as important that you are taking time to do something that you enjoy. This will help you to relax and de-stress.

  5. Stay Healthy- Make sure you are trying to eat a balanced diet. You should be eating a variety of foods when you can like; whole grains, fruits, vegetables, no-fat or low-fat milk products, beans, eggs, and lean meats.

  6. Talk about it- It can really help to talk to someone you trust. Everyone has good and bad days and no one should be going through it by themselves.

  7. Stress Management Exercises- Controlled breathing, journaling, meditation, yoga, exercise, or listening to music can you to "check out" for a few minutes and get you back to a healthy headspace.