
Cooperative WORK Education

Program Overview

The Cooperative (Co-op) Education Program integrates classroom theory with practical experience in the workplace. Co-op is based on a partnership between the school, a business or community organization and involves the participation of students, teachers and the workplace. It is a credit-earning program.

Offered in grade 11 and 12

What does it look like?

  • Two credits: Half day- either in the morning or afternoon, three hours per day required

  • Four credits: Full day- all day, six or more hours per day required

  • In semester one and two

What will I do?

  • Attend a placement in your selected field and further develop the skills and learning in the classroom

  • Attend Pre-placement classes for the first two to three weeks of the semester

  • Attend Integration classes back at BCSS, one day a month

  • Complete all assignments on a timely manner, that are designed to build skills and knowledge and to promote you in your placement

Co-op Courses


11 or 12

Course Description

Two Credit - Two Periods Co-op AM or PM - Semester 1 & 2

Four Credit - Four Periods Co-op All Day - Semester 2

Student Experiences

"Invest your energy into something that is going to contribute to your growth"

- Layla

Med Rehab Group - Physiotherapy Clinic

"I have really enjoyed my time working at W.A.C Hair Group. They taught me lots of tips and tricks and they do their best to keep me busy. They have given me the opportunity to learn about products used for different hair types, as well as teaching me how to wash and blow dry hair.

The staff are super friendly and I really enjoy working with them. I plan on continuing to work there in the summer. I feel that I am definitely in the right place if I want a career in hairdressing."


W.A.C Hair Group

"My Co-op experience has been very beneficial and taught me many things. It allows you to be in a real-life workplace and can help you determine whether you actually want to go into this type of work or not."


Synergy Chiropractic

"Co-op has been an amazing experience. I have met new people and learned new skills that will help me in the future. Most of my placement is independent work but I still have to communicate with my supervisor and have more responsibilities when it comes to getting work done. All of my placement is online due to COVID but it is still a great experience, I highly recommend."


Canyon Entertainment

"I learned how to operate a stand-on skid steer machine which moves concrete and dirt.

I have found working with Clarke Basements to be an awesome learning experience. I have gained new knowledge with various machinery and tools that I previously had no idea what their purpose was."


Clarke Basement

"My experience with the cooperative education program was fun while it lasted. I did my placement at a veterinary clinic near my house. I got to watch surgeries, check in patients, schedule appointments, advise owners on nutrition, and ask lots of questions. It allowed me to learn about a career and field that I love, ensuring that I wanted to continue my education in veterinary medicine post-secondary. The best part was being able to spend time with the animals while learning about the work environment at the same time. Overall, I really enjoyed my time at my placement even if it was short due to COVID and I got to learn a lot." -Mackenzie

Additional Co-op opportunities

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

OYAP is designed for students who wish to pursue a skilled trade while meeting the academic requirements to earn their OSSD. Students may enroll in OYAP in grade 11 and continue with OYAP in grade 12, or just enroll in grade 12.

Enrolment is limited by the availability of employers willing to take on apprenticeship trainees.

Accelerated OYAP / Dual Credit Program at Seneca, Humber, Centennial and George Brown Colleges

Offered to semester 2 Gr12 students, for those who have acquired minimum 26 of the 30 credits required to obtain their OSSD.

Students work in a skilled trade and then attend a designated college to obtain their level 1 apprenticeship certification.

Students who are highly focused and are able to complete the secondary school co-op requirements in conjunction with the college requirements may benefit from this reach-ahead opportunity.

Students must be in good academic standing and have excellent attendance and punctuality to be considered.

Students earn both high school and college level credits. Please see the section on Dual Credits for more information.

Canadian Armed Forces - Militia Co-op

Students may earn up to 4 elective credits in semester 2 with successful completion in this co-op program. To enroll students must be Canadian citizens in good academic standing, have excellent attendance and punctuality and must be 16 years of age with no criminal record. Students become active members of the Canadian Armed Forces and receive their basic training at the John Graves Simcoe Armory 215 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, ON., during Semester 2. Students receive a salary (minimum $9000), plus 4 high school credits and have the opportunity to stay on either full-time or as a summer/part-time reservist in the Armed Forces. Students must be in excellent physical condition to be successful in this program.