
Lucy Biadi

lucy.biadi@yrdsb.ca (Department Head)

Cooperative education is the combining of classroom-based education with practical work experience. In my vast experience in Coop I have seen that this is an optimal way for students to try out the career they are considering exploring in their future. Through a Coop experience, students may complete a number of workshops and activities, such as networking events, industry information sessions, career exploration, and work seminars. Cooperative Education also allows students to participate in the Specialist High Skills Major Program, which has many benefits to them, including graduating with an SHSM designation on their diploma. The High Performance Athlete Program allows our Athletes to work towards their future athletic goals, while receiving the support of our programming to accelerate in both academics and athletics. Cooperative Education is a vital component in any educational pathway!

Heather Graham Burt


Through both the High Performance Athlete Program (HPA) and traditional work co-op, student-athletes are provided an opportunity to earn OSSD elective credits while learning new skills and developing their character. Whether it is out in a community work environment or in a sport training facility, individuals develop through a variety of experiences not all of which can be learned inside a typical classroom. Experiential learning is a valuable tool, regardless of the career path chosen after graduating from BCSS. From my experiences, both in high level sports and from being employed in a variety of sectors, what you gain from co-op far outweighs not taking it.

Why not give co-op a try? Drop by room 2007 or send a quick email to find out about the application process.

Jodi Gram


I believe experience is the best teacher, and I love that HPA grants opportunities for our unique student-athletes to earn credits directly related to their goals by being immersed in their daily training environments. As part of a student-athlete’s integrated support team, we help to facilitate reflection, recognize areas to grow holistically within sport and academics, and ultimately send a clear message that our school will support hard working people to be excellent in multiple facets of their life. Through my lens as a high performance coach myself, I love connecting with student-athletes, learning from them and their coaches, and sharing some of my own experiences as well.