Sport Specific Programming (SSP)

What is SSP?

 Sport Specific Programming is unique programming offered by our Health and Physical Education department. Each sport specific program narrows the program scope onto one main sport, focusing on individual skill development, tactic and strategy development as well as specialized strength and conditioning. Students must also complete the mandatory health curriculum offered in all programs at BCSS.

Students will continue to develop their movement skills introduced in previous grades by exploring a variety of strength and conditioning and on court/field/ice skill activities that link up to their needs and goals. Students’ fitness and skill levels will be developed and challenged through various types of activities driven by sport science and motor learning principles, and will be administered by our and strength and conditioning staff. Students will develop movement chain goals, fitness goals, and metrics for developing specific skills and concepts that can all drive individual and team development. They will be provided with opportunities to explore the various fitness facilities offered at BCSS. Students will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality and healthy eating and will participate in activities designed to develop communication and social skills.  The course will also include 2 Health & 2 Fitness testing blocks in each semester.​ 

SSP Programs run from Grade 10-12. Depending on the sport, the course may be offered one or both semesters. 

What SSP Programs are offered at BCSS?

Currently, BCSS offers Sport Specific Program (SSP) courses in Soccer, Basketball, Baseball (Semester 2) Hockey and Football (Semester 1).

Should I apply?

SSP programs are designed for people who are passionate about the sport. You will do games, activities, fitness, assignments and have discussion daily about the sport you are applying for. If you love playing a large variety of different sport in your Phys Ed class, SSP courses may not be for you.

How many SSP courses can I take?

You will be expected to take your SSP program both semesters in Grade 10. You will also have the opportunity to take a Grade 11 and Grade 12 version of the course. The Grade 12 version is an Mixed or 'M' level designation, while the Grade 10 and 11 are Open or 'O' level.

How DO I get into a SSP program?

All SSP programs are application based. After students have completed their Grade 9 year, they can apply into the programs. Applications are unique for each program, and must be complete by a specific deadline. Applications will ask about what level of sport the applicant plays both inside and outside school, their current Phys Ed mark and a teacher reference from their Grade 9 Phys Ed classes. At that point, applications will be reviewed and successful applicants will be informed. Furthermore, currently being enrolled in an SSP course does not guarantee you a spot in the program moving forward. Every student must re-apply into the program each year.

How do I Apply?

The applications are linked below. Please click on the program you are interested in, and complete and submit the application before Friday, January 19th. Please make sure that you are logged into your GAPPS account before attemptoing to access the form

SSP Soccer Application

SSP Hockey Application

SSP Basketball Application

SSP Baseball Application

SSP Football Application