Tips & Suggestions


Tape a ribbon inside the back cover to create a moveable bookmark. You can ask students to leave the bookmark in a particular place at the end of the day, and it will make it very easy for you to find that page in several notebooks as a way to check on student understanding and progress!

Storing Notebooks

Some plastic baskets are a great way to store student notebooks. You won't have to rummage through their desks to find the notebooks if you want to check for understanding and/or progress.


Glue or tape an envelope to the inside back cover - or any page - of the notebook. This is a great place to store miscellaneous items such as leaves or other small items.

Tape Rulers

You can get rolls of tape that are rulers. Each ruler is 12" long and a single roll has 41 rulers. As I write this, each roll is about $9 on

Put this along the spine of the back edge of your student notebooks to have a ruler always at hand!

Note: The tape in my picture was cheaper on Amazon, but I didn't notice from the picture that it doesn't have digits on the metric side...