Science Notebooks

A scientist’s notebook is a detailed record of his or her engagement with scientific phenomena. It is a personal representation of experiences, observations, and thinking—an integral part of the process of doing scientific work. A scientist’s notebook is a continuously updated history of the development of scientific knowledge and reasoning. Your students are young scientists; they should incorporate notebooks into their science learning.

Science notebooks contain information about the students’ classroom experiences. Students are encouraged to use them as scientists and engineers would, before, during, and after all investigations. They are a place where students formulate and record their questions, make predictions, record data, procedures, and results, compose reflections, and communicate findings. Most importantly, notebooks provide a place for students to record new concepts they have learned.

A science notebook can provide students who are uncomfortable with writing a safe place to practice and develop their skills and see that writing is used in all fields.

These pages were designed to make it easier for you to incorporate the use of Science Notebooks into your elementary science instruction. There are pages on: