Device FAQ

iPads (grades K-5) & Chromebooks (grades 6-12)

If my student leaves the Excelsior Springs School District, where do they turn in the device?

High School - Middle School - Career Center

The equipment, one Chromebook, and a power cord, are returned the building’s media center.  

Elementary Schools

The equipment, one Apple iPad, a charging block, a charging cable, and a case, are returned the Home Room teacher. 

What do I do if the device is damaged, lost or stolen?

Take your device to the Media Center if you experience any technical problems. If it cannot be fixed at that time, a loaner device may be issued to you, if available.  All device policy agreements remain in effect for the loaner device.  


Accidental damage causing the device to be unusable is the full financial responsibility of the parent/guardian unless they have opted into the Device Protection Program. 

Lost or Stolen

If your device is stolen or damaged by another party, please report it to the office immediately.  Your claim will be investigated further by the school district and/or the appropriate police agency.

For more information about what is and what is not covered please reference the Device Protection Program.

Which students will receive a device a what comes with the device?

High School - Middle School

High school and middle school students will receive one district-owned Chromebook and power cord. Most middle school Chromebooks also have a case. All students are expected to return to school each day, with them fully charged. Students will use it for in-class work and homework assignments. Students in grades 6-12 are required to have a signed Loan Agreement on file with the district before the district-issued device can be taken home. Students are responsible for any damage to the device. 

Elementary Schools

One district-owned Apple iPad includes a case, a charging block, and a charging cable. Elementary students' devices are kept in their homerooms for in-class work.  When an AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) day is anticipated, the elementary schools will send devices home. Devices are expected to return the next school day. If devices are not returned, they will be locked and remain unusable until they have been returned. Students are responsible for any damage to the device. 

Early Childhood Center

Students enrolled in the Early Childhood Center are not issued devices as a part of their personalized learning experience at school.

Career Center

Excelsior Springs School District

ESSD students will have access to a district-owned device as a part of their personalized learning experience at school. All students are expected to return to school each day, with them fully charged. Students will use it for in-class work and homework assignments. Students in grades 6-12 are required to have a signed Loan Agreement on file with the district before the district-issued device can be taken home. Students are responsible for any damage to the device. 

Sending School Districts

Students from sending school districts: Lawson, Kearney, Orrick, Liberty & Liberty North school districts will bring their own devices. All students are expected to return to school each day, with them fully charged. Students will use it for in-class work and homework assignments. 

This program is a 24 hours per day coverage for all incidental damage or loss of over $50 to the loaned iPad loaned. Accessories (charger and cable) and damage valued at less than $50 are NOT covered and are the sole responsibility of the student. 

NEGLECT/ABUSE IS NOT COVERED.  The Device Protection Program will only cover two incidences per school year. Please refer to your protection plan agreement for additional details and plan specifics.

The cost of the program is $20 per student in grades K-12. The Technology Protection Plan is non-refundable. Those wishing to purchase the protection program will have until the end of the first week of the school year to do so.

Parents/guardians can pay either online through RevTrak or through the Parent Portal.   

May students opt out of receiving a device?

No. All students will have access to a device as a part of their personalized learning experience at school. All students in grades 6-12 will be able to take the device home. If the family does not want to take after-school responsibility for the device, please work with your school's administration to determine an alternative method for storage of the deviceThe district does not have the ability to provide technical support, install district-paid apps, or provide repair services for personal devices.  Here are some of the reasons why the district made this decision.

Repairing and Servicing Devices

The district doesn’t have the ability or the right to repair a student’s personal device and it’s important that students' devices work every day. We have a repair process in place to quickly turn around devices and provide loaners to students who need an iPad when their device is out of service. We highly recommend that families participate in the District's Device Protection Program. Families will not find a cheaper insurance policy on the market.

Maintaining a Common Operating System

The district provides all students in the building with a similar device so that we can all be on the same operating system. This helps with state testing requirements, common app use for classroom learning, as well as troubleshooting.

Damages by Other Students

If another student damages a district iPad we have the ability to work through that process with the families involved.  It becomes a lot more complicated if another student damages a student’s personally owned device.

District Provided Software

The district provides several paid apps which are distributed to district-owned devices. It is not possible for us to provide those apps to personally owned devices because the district still owns the licenses. 

Restrictions on iPads

The district has certain restrictions in place on district-owned devices to protect students. This allows us to provide a safe environment as well as a consistent environment for all students. This would not be possible with personally owned devices.

What cases are approved for my student's device?

iPads come with a district-issued case. Chromebooks are not issued with cases. Students are required to keep their school devices in the school-provided case if one was provided. 

Are there additional fees to use the device?

Families are not charged an additional fee for the device. The school district owns the device and loans them to each student. Parents are strongly encouraged to purchase insurance, $20 per student, through the Device Protection Program. If insurance is not purchased, repair/replacement fees are charged to the student.

How do I monitor my child's use of the device?

1. Talk with your child about appropriate use of the Internet and what they post.  

2. Have your student use the device in public rooms of home. 

3. Charge the iPad in a public area of the home, not in the bedroom. 

 Our school uses Securly to keep students safe on their school-issued devices.

Should parents feel they need to implement further control over what Internet content their child is accessing, they may choose to use the SecurlyHome app. You’ll have a real-time view of your child's activity on their school device. 

Does the district have a way to control apps and content on the iPad?

All district devices are filtered at school and at home. Students can not add apps from the App store. They can only add apps that have been selected by our teachers and staff.  

If you would like to know more about monitoring your child’s Internet use at home, please see the “How do I monitor my child’s use of the iPad” FAQ. 

Where does my student go for technology support while at school?

Take your iPad to the Media Center if you experience any technical problems. 

How will I be notified of a damage/repair incident with my student's device?

Parents will be mailed a letter when their child’s device has been repaired by the district.  The letter will also include the cost of the repair if applicable.  

What does my student do for technology support on AMI days?

Contact the classroom teacher for help. Teachers can reach out to the Technology Department if our services are needed.

Can my student add apps to their device on their own?

No. They will not have the ability to download apps from the App store.  Students will only be able to download apps from the Self-Service Portal provided by the Excelsior Springs School District. 

What does my student do if there is a technology issue and homework is due?

Contact the classroom teacher and explain the issue.  We encourage parents to stay in communication with their child’s teachers about any educational issues. 

Do you provide wireless access outside of the school buildings?

Yes. We have improved the wireless network and infrastructure in our school buildings.  We broadcast free WiFI outside our buildings to the parking lots.  The outside service hours are 5:00 am - 10:00 pm each day.