ESHS Course Planning & requests
instructions for submitting course requests in powerschool
Go to
This process works through your web browser and not through the PowerSchool app
Your Username will be your computer username log-in:
First initial, middle initial, first four letters of your last name, graduation year. Example: jmsmit21
Your Password will be “Essd-LunchID”
Example: Essd-1234
Once logged in, click on the Class Registration icon located in the left navigation box
Verify that your request screen is for the correct grade for 25-26
Read the instructions at the top of your screen
Move through each box and read the directions. Complete all sections until you see all green checkboxes
Remember to select alternates that are DIFFERENT from your top choices.
Otherwise, PowerSchool could select your classes if top choices cannot work in schedule
Requests can be entered and revised until Friday, February 21st!