Pre-Departure Planning

Prior to Travel

Before heading to Werne, Germany it is very important to understand and have a good idea of where you are traveling to. It is important to research the country and town/city that you will be studying abroad in. The way of life over seas may be different than what you are used to, so it is good to become familiar with the culture before traveling there.

Prior to traveling to Germany, Ahria and I were able to meet some representatives from the Anne Frank Gymnasium. This was an awesome experience and opportunity to meet them. It allowed me to have familiar and friendly faces when I arrived to Germany. 

Before arriving to Germany, I wanted to ensure I brought my host family a few gifts to show my appreciation for having me in their home. I brought my host mother and father a bottle of bourbon from Kentucky. For my host sister and brother I had brought them Hilltopper gear, Hershey bars, and Nerds. It was priceless to see their faces when I had given them their gifts, they were very appreciative. 

It is very important to communicate with your family prior to your arrival. I began with emailing my family, but I was then given their phone numbers to communicate on WhatsApp. This app allows you to text and call international numbers for free with wifi. I would message my family often and we even had to chance to facetime prior to me traveling to Germany. 

Travel Day

Be sure to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight. You must be early and give yourself time since it is an international flight! The last thing you want to do is miss your flight. A funny story that happened to Ahria and I is our bags were overweight. Rather than paying the 200 extra dollars we were rushing to stuff things in our carry on bags! It is good to have extra time incase something was to go wrong or the airport is busy. Remember that it can be a long day so be sure to have snacks and water with you. Most importantly remember that this is a opportuinity of a lifetime and you will enjoy every moment of it.