First Impressions of Ireland

I think the first thoughts that came into my brain when stepping onto Irish soil were, "Oh my gosh! This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen", or something along those lines. As I am writing this, after being here for a week, I am still not over the magnificent scenery that I can see from our kitchen window. From the stunning mountains of Croagh Patrick to the beautiful waters of Clew Bay, I  will never get tired of the view that I get to see for the next month. Besides the beautiful scenery, the Irish people are very blunt, funny, and kind people. It was a bit of an adjustment to get used to interacting with them because I am so used to how Americans are loud and talkative, and the Irish are not. Another thing I notices was that the food is different from ours but not so outlandish. The students snacks are different and they're brands that I don't recognize. I find myself having to google everything that is on their menus whenever I go out to eat.