Gender-based discrimination

We investigate expressions, determinants and consequences of gender-based discrimination and interventions to contrast it. Current research focuses on the following topics:

StandByMe 2.0 - STop gender-bAsed violeNce by aDdressing masculinities and changing Behaviour of Young people through huMan rights Education (funded by the EU). This project aims at countering online and offline violence against women and girls (e.g. harassment, discrimination, etc.) with a focus on the role of gender stereotypes and masculinity conceptions. (In collaboration with FBK and Amnesty International Italy, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia, and FBK).

LGBTQ+ as targets of microaggressions in the workplace. Microaggressions have been described as subtle forms of discrimination that convey hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults toward members of minorities or stigmatized groups. In our research we focus on microaggressions experienced by LGBTQ+ in the workplace.

Work as masculinity contest. In many workplaces, work norms are often conflated with masculinity and contests for dominance. In our research, we explore conformity to these norms (in collaboration with Giusi Pacilli, University of Perugia).

To know more about these linee of research, contact