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Post-graduated Research position - Assegno di ricerca.

A call for a 12-month, full time post-graduated Research position (Assegno di ricerca) is open at the University of Trento (deadline for the application 10 May 2023). The successful candidate will join the project StandByMe 2.0 funded by the EU (within the call CERV-2021-DAPHNE) and work under the supervision of Maria Paola Paladino (Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento).

This project aims at countering online and offline violence against women and girls with a focus on the role of gender stereotypes and conceptions of masculinity via youth actions in Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia. In the first year of the project an online course, a teachers’ training and a digital platform to combat gender-based violence have been developed by project’ partners, i.e. Amnesty International, FBK and the University of Trento. The successful candidate will be involved in the validation of the efficacy of the digital platform in raising awareness and combat gender-based violence, and its roots (gender stereotypes and role). 

To apply it is not required to have a PhD, but some experience in research related to the topics is expected.

For more information about the project, please contact Maria Paola Paladino

To apply for the position,

Participate in a research: many of our projects involve lab studies, others are online survey. To know more about current research you can participate, please contact: Current research

Internship and Master thesis: If you are interested to join the lab for an internship or a master thesis, you can apply sending an email to the SMaB Lab PI Maria-Paola Paladino ( or Jeroen Vaes ( To know more about topics, look at the research page.   

Partecipating to the SMaB Lab Meetings: see

Doctoral student: If you are interested in applying to the Doctoral program in Cognitive Science and your research interests are in social psychology, please visit the Doctoral course website. You do not need to contact Paladino or Vaes to apply, but many students do send personal emails to know more about the research possibilities and to evaluate the fit between their own interests and the research opportunities at the SMaB Lab.