EpiBioS4Rx Screening/ Enrollment


If your patient is a viable study candidate per inclusion/exclusion criteria:

1. Log into REDCAP https://encrc.ini.usc.edu/

2. Go to "Add/Edit Records"

3. Select "Add new record"

4. A new patient record will be created along with a new screen ID

5. Complete the "Initial Eligibility" form and save the record

6. If your patient is eligible, notify the UCLA coordinating team at epibios@mednet.ucla.edu with the following

            • Patient's Screen # in the email's subject line

            • De-identified screenshot(s) of the patient's CT scan showing the acute traumatic brain injury with evidence of intracranial, cortical, and/or subcortical bleed

            • Provide a short description of patient's hospital presentation (if time allows)

            • Please include your contact information in the body of the email

7. Wait until you hear from UCLA coordinating team. They will communicate the eligibility of the patient to the person that sends the screen

8. If UCLA coordinating teams confirms the eligibility of the patient, you may approach patient's family for consent

9. Email epibios@mednet.ucla.edu if consent is or is not obtained.

GOT CONSENT? Please read the enrollment section below

Need assistance with REDCap password reset? Contact LONI Support at support@ini.usc.edu


If consent is obtained:

1. The UCLA coordinating team will provide the Study ID for the newly enrolled patient via email

    • The Study ID will be in the following format: 03_SS_#####

      • 03= Project 3 of EpiBioS4Rx

      • SS=Your site's ID

      • ####= Patient Enrollment Number

2. The Study ID will be entered in REDCap by the UCLA coordinating team and emailed to the site

3. Communicate the Study ID to your team members who will be doing the data entry in REDCap, data upload to the LONI IDA, and collecting/processing biosamples

Adapted from the EpiBioS4x Protocol V.4.0