Hive Inspection Guidelines

Where are the hives? 

Our hives are located right behind the community garden. If you're walking from dorms to the academic side, take a left right before the SAU and keep walking past the tennis courts and gazebo until you find the garden. Our equipment is in the shed by the woods and in a bin inside the garden itself, so we'll meet you at the community garden entrance. It's also right next to Lot U if you're commuting.  

Safety info: 

*You must fill out this waiver before participating*

We have equipment that makes stings very unlikely—that said, if you know you're allergic to bee stings, please let whoever is going out with you know ahead of time. We have some over-the-counter antihistamines available to alleviate stings, but we don't currently have an EpiPen. If you're not allergic (or don't know) and just feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea of being around so many bees, also let us know! You can definitely satiate any beekeeping curiosity you have from a safe distance, and we'll do our best to accommodate any concerns you have.  

What should I wear/bring?