When are the meetings?

Every other Saturday starting September 9th 2024 and every Saturday during spring semester! For hive inspections or honey extractions, make sure to check the Discord or CampusGroups.

What's a hive inspection?

A hive inspection is where a small group of students go out to our hives and open them up to look at hive health, honey stores, and assess how they're doing. We have lots of bee suits in different sizes available and most students who attend end up learning skills that they can apply to future hive inspections with us or apply to their own hives in the future. 

Will I get stung at a hive inspection?

We wear and use equipment that make bee stings highly unlikely. That said, you should make sure to inform the individual leading the hive inspection if you have any known allergies to bee stings. Here are some ways you can prepare for the hive inspection that reduces the possibility of bee stings:

Do I get to keep the honey if I join a honey extraction?

Yes! Each member who helps in taking the honey off of the hives and extracting it will receive a free jar of honey as a thank-you for all of their hard work in making this possible. Extra honey will be sold at Fall and Spring Craft Sales. 

Do I need to pay to join the club?

No! Membership is free to all students and community members.

Do students come into the club with experience?

The vast majority of students do not. It is our goal to give students the experience and tools they need to be able to maintain hives on their own if they choose to. If you don't have experience beekeeping and want to join the club, no worries! We'd love to have you :)

How long does a bee live?

This varies by the type of bee and what season it is!