Media, News, and Videos

Demonstration of "3D Tetris" utilizing various shapes to create a "pallet" of blocks.

A simple VR game where the player throws balls into hoops! We made this because we wanted a VR ball pit. The ball pit kinda works!

A short demo of a simple "ball & cups" game where the play has to throw balls to knock over stacked objects. Notice how the balls bounce, how the targets fall, and how the player can teleport to different parts of the level.

Daniel demonstrating the ability of an Xbox One Kinect camera doing motion capture.

This was our fastest oval track run of the day. Each car has to run three complete laps without stopping, crashing, or going off track. Time starts when the car cross the timer. We have three chances to make the fastest time for a three-lap run.

For the random track, each car has to one lap without stopping, crashing, or going off track. This was an "interesting" run, notably because we were about to set the lap record of the day, until...

Alex, Aaron, Jess, and Syed created a website application that allows utility companies to directly inspire water conservation in hundreds of households in a geographical area. To accomplish this task, they encourage a little bit of friendly competition, which did it by ranking users based on the number of gallons of water that they conserved.

Aaron & James worked on "Experimental Geometer" at HackDFW 2019. They made a virtual reality application which allows the user to create an manipulate shapes in VR. They even make their own programming language to use it!

Ty, Zoe, and Lukas made "Priority Sort" at HackDFW 2019. Their program sorts their homework assignment based in importance and completion time.

Aaron, Syed, and Jason worked on an application at EarthXHack 2018 which encourages people to be environmentally friendly.

Muhammad, Alex, Jess, Syed, and Siaam at the CodeDay Dallas Hackathon. Their project "World View" won the "Best Overall Project" at CodeDay Dallas!

Trent, Sandra, Syed, Alex, and Jess presenting their project, Symptly Aware, to the panel of judges at Earthack 2017. Their app allowed people to inform others if there was an epidemic, like a flu outbreak, happening in a specific area. They won second place at Earthack beating college students and professionals.

Emily, Nisreen, Emmanuel A., and Emmanuel Q. present their project to a panel of judges at HackDFW 2016. Their project, called Insight, allowed people with limited vision to sense their surroundings. They won second place at HackDFW 2016, beating out many hacks created by college students.