
Cyber Security

AFA CyberPatriots

Cyberstart America


Introduction to CTF

Kali Linux OS pre-loaded with tools for cyber security.  It can be run off of a bootable flash drive or ran in a virtual machine.

Tutorial on Hacking with Kali Linux One of many tutorials available just by searching "tutorials Kali Linux" or "getting started with Kali Linux."  

Getting Started with Metasploitable Metasploitable is a weakened OS with many exploits.  It's to be penetrated using Metasploit, which is included in Kali Linux.

Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) Damn Vulnerable Web App is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Tools for looking up information about a web URL Database for vulnerabilities.

Wireshark Free, open-source packet manager.  Used to find out what traffic is on the network.  Included in Kali Linux. In-depth security new and investigation Network security sub-Reddit The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software.

PasteBin Text-sharing website

OverTheWire WarGames  The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games.

ComputerSecurityStudent Black Belt Training Certification in Hac-King-Do!

CyberCorps This program provides scholarships for up to 3 years of support for cybersecurity undergraduate and graduate (MS or PhD) education.

Defensomania Defensomania (formerly known as Cyber Against Humanity) is an incident response card game.

SANS GIAC Security Essentials The GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) certification validates a practitioner's knowledge of information security beyond simple terminology and concepts. 

OSINT Framework



EagleHacks - Allen High School's student hackathon

Coding Practice

CodingBat - A great site to complete short, simple programming problems in both Java and Python.  Create an account to keep track of your progress!

Project Euler

UVa Online Judge

Sphere Online Judge

Capture-the-Flag (CTF)

Introduction to CTF

RHSCompSci Facebook - Our Facebook page

@RHSCompSci Twitter - Our Twitter Page

Computer Science Opportunities

Summer Opportunities Google Doc by Victoria

Awesome Computer Science Opportunities Github by anu0012

Digital and Visual Effects


For Girls

Girls Who Code

Black Girls Code

Latina Girls Code

Made With Code - Google's initiative

Girls in STEM

NCWIT - National Center for Women & Information Technology

National Girls Collaborative Project - STEM

UT First Bytes Camp for Girls

17 Places Where Women Can Learn How to Code

Grace Hopper Conference - held annually for all women in the technology industry

Camps, Academics, and Seminars

iD Tech

UT Dallas CS Outreach


UT Dallas Computer Science Outreach

Cool Stuff

JEliot - Great way to "see" your code in action!

Mobile App Development

MIT App Inventor (web-based)

AppMakr (web-based)

AP Resources

APCS Multiple Choice Questions - Hosted by Georgia Tech, this site will generate a random question similar to the ones given on the AP Computer Science exam.

AP Computer Science College Board website for students

For Inspiration


LearnXinYMinutes - quick resource for many programming languages