Perry InStructional Coaching Program

The Perry Instructional Coaching program seeks to enhance student learning by supporting educators, through personalization and collaboration, to continually refine their practice.

How can coaching support teachers?

When might be an opportunity for collaboration?

"My students are struggling to learn multi-digit multiplication because they still don't know their multiplication facts.  I've retaught, they've practiced, and they're still not getting it."

"My group has a lot of different needs.  It's difficult to find time to differentiate for all of them.  I don't know how to structure my group time."

"My group has a lot of different needs.  It's difficult to find time to differentiate for all of them.  I don't know how to structure my group time."

"We've worked on generating ideas and organizing our paper, but my students consistently don't provide enough detail."

"I have a unit coming up that is always seems boring to both the students and myself.  I'd like to find a way to make it more interesting and engaging while staying focused on the standards."