New High School Graduation Requirements

New Graduation Requirement #1 (Beginning Class of 2023)

California state law, Assembly Bill 469, requires that all high school seniors complete and submit the Federal Application for Student Assistance (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) as a requirement for graduation beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. However, we understand some parents or students may not want to fill out the applications for different reasons. Therefore, parents or students will have the option to complete an “Opt Out Form” via the Q ParentConnection or Q StudentConnection portal that would release them from fulfilling this graduation requirement.

New Graduation Requirement #2 (Beginning Class of 2025)

Board Policy 6146.1 requires that all students, beginning with the graduating class of 2025 (current sophomores), complete school or community engagement graduation requirement during their high school years. Students must be involved in at least one of the following to fulfill this requirement:

  • Complete at least one successful season of any sport during high school;

  • Complete at least one successful year of membership in any competitive or service-learning club (the list of approved clubs will be provided each year);

  • Participate in at least two district competitions at the site level or one district competition if the student advances past the site level (each year the list of approved district competitions will be provided);

  • Complete at least 20 hours of Community Service Learning where they learn educational standards through addressing real-life problems in their community, such as, packing food bags for the homeless, setting up a tutoring system or reading buddies with younger students, or cleaning up local parks. The school or district must approve the Community Service-Learning proposal in advance to keep track of hours earned towards this requirement, please see attached Service-Learning Log;

  • Complete at least 20 hours of work experience or its equivalent.

If you have any questions with regards to these new high school graduation requirements or any high school graduation requirements, please contact your school’s Counseling Department or the Director of Secondary Education, Jon Black at or (951) 571-7536.