Sketchbook Wednesdays

Sketch 1/17 - This sketch shows a visual depiction of the dad joke, "what do you call an fake noodle?" The answer is an impasta and so I drew a few noodles and in between those noodles, there is the impasta noodle which is wearing glasses and a mustache. This was hand drawn and then traced over and colored in with the paintbrush tool in Adobe Photoshop.

Sketch 1/31 - This sketchbook Wednesday shows 10 sketches of the company logo brand "Dove" in different representations. I incorporated a dove bird in many of the sketches in order to keep the representation of the original logo significant.

sketch 2/14 - Today's sketch was to make a letter of love for a person, place, or object. I really enjoy Bob's Ross's painting videos and I love his little catch-phrase of "happy little trees." Therefore, I decided to make a letter for Bob's Ross's "happy little trees" by directly saying "I Love Your Happy Little Trees" and also designing the letters differently.

Emoji Sketches- These 5 sketches are my idea of an emoji that can be used on a mobile device. Teletubbies played an important part in my childhood and in the childhood's of many people; therefore, i feel that it is pivotal to include a cartoon character that can be used casually and for many occasions, such as the happy sunshiny yellow teletubby, Laa- Laa. I sketched out the same character but in different poses to show variation. This was done with paper and pencil.

Initials Logo Sketches- These 10 sketches portray logos of the initials to my name, which are "RM." I incorporated things that represent me and things that I feel fit my name. For instance my name is Rosie and so I used roses as part of my logo or cursive letters because I like to experiment with different types of fonts.

Determination Sketch- This is a sketch that illustrates the word "determination"

Grit Sketch- This is a sketch that illustrates the word "Grit"

Integrity Sketch- This is a sketch that illustrates the word "Integrity"