Do you have a question for our speakers? 

Click here to send your question on or before August 6 (12noon).

IACP will serve as an avenue for students and young researchers not just to present their works, but also to have scientific interaction with everyone especially with international experts. The Young Researchers’ Day (YRD) which will be held on the second day of the conference will allow young researchers see the dynamics in research not just inside mathematics research itself, but the facets that embodies everything for international collaborations and for career building. Interview with the speakers/guests during the YRD Maths and Career Open Dialogue will be conducted focusing on steps speakers took during the course of their career especially in the early stages. Surpassed Math-and-career-related challenges, and opportunities taken will also be given attention during the interview. After the forum, group discussion with a speaker will be conducted where students will have the opportunity and be encouraged to interact with experts.

 Chosen questions will be asked by the sender during the YRD Maths and Career Open Dialogue.