

This year's conference is brought to you by a team of dedicated organizers. 



Steering Committee

Bock, Wolfgang

Petalcorin, Gaudencio Jr. 

Vilela, Jocelyn

Sebandal, Alfilgen

Cabardo, Lyster Rey

Belleza-Fuentes, Katrina

International Scientific Advisory Committee:

Arakawa, Tomoyuki 

Professor, University of Kyoto, Japan, Representation Theory

Bock, Wolfgang

RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany, Mathematical Physics

Futorny, Vyacheslav

Professor, Department of Mathematics, SUSTech University, Shenzhen, China, Representation Theory

Hazrat, Roozbeh

Professor, Western Sydney University, Australia, K-Theory

Kashuba, Iryna

Professor, Department of Mathematics, SUSTech University, Shenzhen, China, Jordan-Algebras

Loquias, Manuel J.

Professor, UP Diliman, Philippines, Mathematical Crystallography and Canonical Number System

Matthieu, Olivier

Professor, Université de Lyon, France, Representation Theory

Nakano, Daniel

Professor, Georgia State University, USA, Representation Theory of Groups