physical ed & fine art

I love teaching Physical Education and Fine Art!

My goal is to inspire and empower each student to believe they can be successful.


Physical Education is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Music/Drama is on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Visual Art is on Fridays.

fine art grading


I meet Level 3 expectations more than 95% of the time.

I exceed all Level 3 expectations by also trying to improve personal understanding of the subject matter, encouraging classmates, am helpful and give positive reinforcement to peers, and I clean up after peers and exhibit leadership skills.


80% or more of the time:

I try my best, am safe, respectful and responsible, put intention and creative thought into my projects, am positive, engaged, enthusiastic and focused. I listen to the instructor, stay on task and am conscious of and clean up my work area.


I need help and redirection more than 20% of the time to demonstrate Level 3 expectations.

I need reminders more than 20% of the time to demonstrate Level 3 expectations.


I need help and redirection more than 80% of the time to demonstrate the Level 3 expectations.

I need reminders more than 80% of the time to demonstrate Level 3 expectations.

Level 0

Even with redirections and help, I cannot demonstrate Level 3 expectations.

physical education grading

Level 4

I exceed all level 3.0 expectations by demonstrating initiative, exceptional leadership, exceptional responsibility, exceptional cooperation and exceptional sportsmanship. I fully participate in all activities and show Spirit of the Game at all times.

Level 3

80% or more of the time:

I am safe, responsible, and prepared for class. I participate in lessons and activities. I follow all directions. I encourage and help my fellow classmates without being asked. I am respectful of myself, other classmates, the teacher and the equipment. I demonstrate outstanding cooperation, sportsmanship and responsibility.

Level 2

I can independently demonstrate Level 3 expectations with redirection more than 20% of the time.

I need help and redirection more than 80% of the time to demonstrate the Level 3 expectations.

Level 1

I need help and redirection more than 80% of the time to demonstrate the Level 3 expectations.

I need to be reminded more than 80% of the time to demonstrate Level 3 expectations.

Level 0

Even with redirections and help, I cannot demonstrate Level 3 expectations.

Fine Art is about learning to be expressive in order to enrich life.

Expressive art modalities are defined as the use of dance, drama, drawing, music, painting, photography, sculpture, and writing. At Sterling El. we focus on music, drama, dance, drawing, and painting.

Physical Education is about developing skill and confidence, maintaining physical fitness, learning about personal health and wellness, and demonstrating positive social skills.

Find me on Minga, our school messaging app.

If you are already logged in to our Minga app, simply find my group and request access.

If you are not on our Minga app, please call Miss Debbie in the office for the passcode.