What the 

Lines & areas Mean







How it works start to finish


1.      Archers should walk in the gym at all times

2.     Archers will maintain an Indoor Voice at all times everywhere in the gym during         Archery

3.     Archers will sit quietly (Level 0) in the controlled access area, in their group and behind  their cone, while peer archers are on the shooting line.

                  a.                 Work on handout or other work / color

                  b.                Watch your peers

                  c.      Congratulate your peers with a thumbs up only after all archers are off the     shooting line

4.    Whistle signals should be obeyed first time every time

           a.        1 blast = SHOOT

               b.       2 blast = GET BOWS

               c.        3 blast = GO GET ARROWS

               d.       5 OR MORE = EMERGENCY STOP

5.   Keep toes behind the waiting line until 2 whistle blasts to get bows 

6.   Archers will place the ‘bow on toe’ at Shooting line until signaled to shoot arrows (1                whistle blast

7.   Archers will face the ‘quiver’ and maintain proper stance while at on the shooting line

8.   Knocked arrow should face toward the target ONLY!

9.   Only draw a bow with an arrow nocked and pointed safely towards the target

10.   When an arrow is dropped raise your hand, do not pick it up

11.   When on the shooting line, if someone is behind the arrow curtain or on the shooting range, yell Cease Fire, place arrow back in quiver and raise hand

12.   Archers will put ‘bow on toe’ when done shooting, raise hand and get permission to put bow on rack

13.  After putting bow on rack, Archers will return to Waiting Line

14.  When all archers on back at Waiting Line, instructor will say 'Range is Cold and archers may progress to the Target Line. 

15.   Archers will walk to the target.    

16.   If 2 Archers are at same target, rock paper scissors to go first.

17.   When removing an arrow from the target it is important to place one hand on the target above the arrow and the other around the arrow

18.  Archers look toward Target Line when pulling arrows from target

19.   Archers will carry arrows correctly to Bow Rack Quiver with one hand over the tip and one hand on shaft, then take their place at the back of their group line

with the STRING BOW

with the genesis bow

use the string bow to learn the 11 steps

STEP 1. The Stance

A proper archery stance starts with the alignment of your feet and your body before shooting. Keep in mind that a more stable and steady body position will increase your precision when shooting. 

 The Square Feet Stance

The square feet stance, as shown above, is simply putting your feet parallel to each other with a slight distance in-between and perpendicular to the target, and aligned with your hips and shoulders.

The Open Feet Stance

Place the shooting line between your feet and move your front foot behind the target line, about 2 inches behind. Your rear foot has to be more or less in the middle of the target line. Transfer your weight forward as much as you can before losing balance. 


Shooting a damaged or broken arrow can result in injury to you, your bow, and other people around you on the shooting line. Inspecting your arrows does not have to be an arduous chore and can simply be done while walking back from the target.

The first thing that you should check is the fletching and nock. When your shooting is consistent, arrows will group tightly together, and the fletchings tend to get damaged because of the impact they have with each other. Torn and damaged fletching will not be dangerous but can cause some erratic flight to the target, which can make the arrow hit in an unexpected location, something that no archer wants while scoring in competition.

A more dangerous scenario is shooting with a cracked or broken nock; the nock absorbs a lot of energy from the bowstring upon release, and any flaw to its structure can cause failure of the nock. The best case here is that the nock detaches itself from the arrow upon release and the arrow still flies downrange without a nock. The worst-case scenario is if the nock breaks when the string is released and does not allow the string to push the arrow out of the bow, usually leading either to the string hitting the archer’s forearm, or to dry-firing the bow.



The worst grip you can have on your bow is a tight and tense fist grip, with your fingers wrapping around like you are holding the handle of a hammer.

This part of your hand touches the Bow Grip.

Some ways to adjust your  hold or aim

-Find where your arrow went on the target on the diagram

-Read what may have happened to cause this

-Think about how you will adjust your aim and hold on bow

-Talk to Coach C for suggestions



The National Archery in the Schools Program promotes instruction in international-style target archery as part of in-school curriculum, to improve educational performance and participation in the shooting sports among students in grades 4-12.


Archery Equipment used in NASP® is highly standardized to be safe, durable, economical, and most importantly, universal fit for almost every student. In NASP® learning the “process” of shooting is stressed far more than arrow scores. The only bow used in NASP® is a “Genesis®” compound which has no let-off and is adjustable from 10-20 pounds in draw weight at any draw length. And the only arrow is the Easton 1820 aluminum “Genesis” arrow.

NASP in Alaska link  

National Archery in the Schools main website link 


Is your student archer ready to be a NASP ACADEMIC ARCHER?  to qualify, they must have honorable grades, full participation in our in-school archery program, along with a recommendation from Coach C., their classroom teacher, and Mrs. Kelly. All  2022 Sterling Elementary Academic Archers will receive a special patch and national recognition. Contact Coach C. with any questions about this program. 


The 2022 Alaska State NASP Bullseye Virtual Tournament is happening now. A letter and registration form will go home soon to all students wishing to participate. Registration is $5 and is payable to Mrs. Debbie at the office. All scores are entered via computer to State headquarters. State winners are announced in April.