Inquiries about Universal Vacuum Gripper

Regarding Universal Vacuum Gripper, we have the following division of roles with our collaborators. Please contact each institution according to the content of your inquiry. (Note: If you are not sure which one to consult, please contact Shimizu Lab.)

Inquiries about research and development

Please contact us for information related to research and development, such as research elements for improving the performance of Universal Vacuum Gripper (eg powder, rubber film, structure, etc.) and robot technology using this gripper.

Kobe City College of Technology, Shimizu Laboratory

Person in charge: Toshihiko Shimizu

Example 1: Research on new technologies such as ultra-shrink jamming grippers

Example 2: Special use such as spider suit

Example 3: Adsorption type drone, legged mobile robot, etc.

Inquiries about practical use

If you are considering adsorption transfer with Universal Vacuum Gripper, such as "I want to use it for the adsorption transfer", "I want to do an adsorption test", ""I want to make a customized order", please contact the following.



tel: 03-3759-1491(Switchboard)

About laboratory tour

Laboratory tours are accepted at any time. You can see the introduction of research contents and research facilities including actual machine demonstrations. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to collaborate with us, or if you would like to study at our university or our laboratory. If you would like to visit, please contact us by e-mail with the following information. We look forward to welcoming everyone.

  • Your name

  • Your affiliation

  • Contact email address

  • Desired theme / content

  • Desired date and time of visit (Please specify multiple days as much as possible.)


Joint research, etc.

Please refer to the following KCCT Regional Collaboration Research Center website for technical consultation and various joint research at our school.

KCCT Regional Collaboration Research Center:

For various inquiries, please contact the e-mail address listed on the "Access" page on the left menu of the KCCT Regional Collaboration Research Center website.