Constructing the Social Self

Painting with Data

Artist Statement

In today’s heightened digital age, the collection and availability of data has surpassed any level encountered before. With this increase in information comes the importance of how it is both distributed and displayed to audiences, especially considering the widespread presence of social media. Utilizing image search code and personal data sets from social networking platforms, this exhibition of paintings explores the relationship between visual design and the systems of data. Through recurrent themes exposed in the compilation of reports, three distinct series of location, app activity, and connections emerged in the work. As a whole, these sets unite to provide a revealing look into the volume of personal data captured on the internet as well as how these statistics can be reclaimed into aesthetic representations of the self. The investigation of the synergy linking the artistic and digital fields opens a view into how data can influence the creative process and if through adopting this innovative lens, the presented information can take  a more humanized form. This study leaves the mind to wonder, can artificial data truly capture a cohesive and authentic image of an individual? 

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Location Series: One

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 24x36"

Location Series: Two

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 16x19"

Location Series: Three

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 16x19"

Activity Series: One

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 24x36"

Activity Series: Two

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 16x19"

Activity Series: Three

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 16x19"

Connection Series: One

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 24x36"

Connection Series: Two

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 16x19"

Connection Series: Three

2023, Acrylic on masonite, 16x19"