About Me

Brooke Bailey

Hometown: Norwell, MA

Education: College of the Holy Cross

Major(s): Computer Science and Studio Art

Favorite mediums: Painting, Mixed Media, and Digital Media

Artist Statement

My work explores the interconnection between the technological world and the process of artmaking. As a way of investigating the overlap of these two fields, I work in coding, digital media, and painting.

In all approaches to artmaking, I focus on translating representational imagery and ideas into emotive experiences. I am particularly inspired by the lens of my own self and how my life experiences relate to the digital environment. Through this concentration my work highlights formal qualities such as color and form. My interest in abstraction emerged based on my personal grappling with the relationship between technology and art. Exploring how these two worlds function together, my works visualize my internal struggle with the unknowns and ambiguities this process brings.

Through mixed media painting I introduce a harmony between computerized systems and the physical world. By employing graphical programming languages such as Processing, a synergy between pixelation and aesthetic beauty is established. The outputs from these altered code sections influence my exploration of materiality in tangible mediums. My motivation for creating materialized pieces comes from a desire to achieve compositions inspired by digital media but that would be impossible for a computer to replicate.

I experiment with this idea by practicing different painting techniques that develop a sense of physicality that reveals the handmade process behind the piece. Finding surfaces that retain variety in mark-making helps me in this investigation and collaborating with the computer-generated imagery. I am able to introduce the spontaneity and creativity from myself in conversation with the programmed visuals. With these works, I am able to address the questions of whether the essence of the digital world I am familiar with can be transformed into the physical world as well as what boundaries lie between these realms.

As a whole my body of work considers the ambiguity of the connection between technology and art and how different mediums can support the building of this relationship. Through abstraction and exploration of material I hope to further establish the combination of my two passions and develop a better understanding of who I am as an individual and an artist.Â