Lab 4: GloVe Vectors

OR: Is GloVe all you need?

Starter Code

Get the starter code on GitHub Classroom. Make sure to re-pull your Docker image if you haven't in a bit.

Prior to class, you'll also want to make sure you have the word embeddings downloaded and ready to go.

  • If you're planning to work on knuth, you don't need to do anything. All the files will be in /cs/cs159/data/glove.

  • If you're using Docker with a Mac or Linux, after you check out the code repository for Lab 04 but before opening Docker, you should navigate to the directory in and then run the following script:


which should start the download process for getting all of the word embedding files you need. These are going to take up a few GB, so make sure you have space on disk for them and leave time for them to download.

  • If you're using Windows, or if the script above doesn't work, You can go ahead and download these files directly to your lab directory by clicking this link (this will start the download). You can then unzip the folder using the unzip command, which will extract word embeddings that are 50, 100, 200, and 300 dimensions. Finally, you can use the commands mkdir glove and mv glove*.txt glove/ to move the embeddings all into a directory called glove.

DO NOT ADD YOUR WORD EMBEDDINGS TO YOUR GIT REPOSITORY. You should leave these uncommitted, otherwise Git/your computer/Visual Studio/Github/Gradescope/I will struggle.


As you go along, update your file with answers to question. You should compile your answers into an analysis.pdf file to include in your submission. If you need help getting pandoc running on your own machine, you can refer to the Docker instructions for a way to use Docker to do this.

GloVe vectors

GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining vector representations for words.” (Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning. 2014. Global Vectors for Word Representation)

The GloVe algorithm (pronounced like the English word "glove") takes a large text corpus as input and produces multidimensional vectors for every word found in the corpus. The goal of the algorithm is that words with semantic similarity (i.e., that are used in similar contexts) will occupy similar parts of the vector space. The vectors output by this algorithm are interchangeably called GloVe word vectors, word representations, or word embeddings.

The authors of the algorithm have made the software available for download so you can create these vectors yourself. However, in order to achieve high-quality output, the input corpus needs to be very large: on the order of billions or trillions of tokens. At this scale, the file and memory size requirements become prohibitive. A dump of English Wikipedia (which is over 60GB) is only a portion of one of smallest data sets used by the authors of the paper. While the algorithm is running – which has been reported to take over 8 hours on standard-sized training sets using a modified parallelized version of the code – peak memory usage reaches about 12GB, which would overwhelm most consumer laptops.

Like many NLP researchers that are less interested in how these algorithms run than what the resulting vectors tell us, we will use pre-trained vectors that the authors make available on their website. These have been downloaded for you and placed in /cs/cs159/data/glove/ on knuth; if you're using Docker and haven't downloaded the embeddings yet, scroll back to the top of the lab and follow the instructions to download these. (These pre-trained embeddings can be a rich resource for other data projects you might run into, with the caveats from this week's reading that they may encode social biases and information about word usage mixed in with their information about word meaning.)

Loading and Saving the GloVe vectors

Store the solutions you write for this section (loading and saving the GloVe vectors) in

Loading the text vectors into an array

Before you can analyze GloVe vectors, you’ll need to write some utilities that can read and write them. A naive approach to this problem might be to load the vectors from the text file and store each word vector in a dictionary: d[word] = vector. The problem with this is that Python stores the resulting data very inefficiently, using much more memory than necessary. When you try to run your code on the largest GloVe vectors, you would almost certainly run out of memory.

Instead you will store the vectors in a numpy array. If this is the first time you are using numpy, you should consider pausing the lab for a few minutes to skim through the section called “The Basics” in the numpy Quickstart tutorial, which goes through to the end of subsection entitled “Indexing, Slicing and Iterating”.

Using numpy will allow you to store the data much more efficiently and it will provide a straightforward way for you to save the vectors to a file, allowing you to load them much more quickly than re-parsing the GloVe text file each time.

After reading in the GloVe text file, we will end up with a numpy array where each row of the array is one GloVe vector. A standard Python algorithm to do this would be something like this:

create an empty array

for each row in the GloVe file:

add the row to the end of the array

Doing this negates a fair bit of the efficiency gains from using numpy. Instead, your algorithm will work as follows:

# determine the number of rows in the array

# determine the number of columns in the array

# create an array filled with zeros that has the right number of rows and columns

# for each row in the GloVe file:

# fill the appropriate array row with the GloVe file row

You’ll need to read the GloVe file once through in order to find the rows and columns:

  1. Since each vector has the same length, on at least one line you’ll need to figure out how long the vector is. This will be the number of columns in your array.

  2. You’ll need to read each line of the GloVe file and count the lines. The number of lines in the file is the number of rows in your array.

Once you have the number of rows and columns, you can make your numpy array:

import numpy # put at the top of your program

array = numpy.zeros((rows, columns)) # note that the double parenthesis is required

Now you’ll need to read the file a second time. If you have a file pointer (that is, a pointer to a memory address within some file on your computer) called fp, you can reset the pointer to the beginning of the file using

For each line in the text file you’ll want to:

  1. Extract the word and append to the end of a list of words.

  2. Extract the vector and turn it into a list of floats.

  3. Set array[i] equal to the list of floats

Write a function called load_text_vectors that takes a file pointer as its only parameter and returns a tuple containing the array of vectors, then the list of words whose vectors are in the array. You should test this function on the /cs/cs159/data/glove/glove.6B.50d.truncated.txt file (this is present in the Docker image and on knuth). This file contains only the first 1000 lines of the full 400,000 line glove.6B.50d.txt file and so it will run much faster and allow you to debug errors with less frustration.

Once you’re convinced it’s working correctly, make sure it works on the glove.6B.50d.txt file. On knuth, this is also in the /cs/cs159/data/glove directory, while if you downloaded the vectors locally, it will be under your current directory in glove/. This process will take several minutes. The rest of the examples in this writeup will be based on that dataset.

Saving the text vectors to a .npy file

Once your load_text_vectors function is working, you’ll want to save what you’ve read to a format that will load more quickly next time. To do this, we’ll use the function.

When we need the array again, we can just load it quickly from this saved format. Since the array we built above only stores the vectors from the GloVe file and not the words, you’ll a way to remember which word was associated with each row of the array. Fortunately, you can also store all of the words in the same file, using the same function:

with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: # filename should have the extension .npy, array) # the numpy array returned by your load_text_vectors function, words) # the list of words returned by your load_text_vectors function

Write a function called save_glove_vectors that takes three parameters: your words and vectors from load_text_vectors, as well as a writeable file pointer. The function then saves the array and words to the file pointer using

Loading the text vectors from a .npy file

You’ll want a complementary load_glove_vectors that takes a readable file pointer as its only parameter and loads the vectors and words back from that file, returning a tuple containing the list of words and the array, just like load_text_vectors. Here’s how to load from a .npy file:

with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:

array = numpy.load(fp)

words = list(numpy.load(fp)) # turn back into a regular Python list

Be careful to load the values from the .npy file in the same order you wrote them out.

Running from the command line

All of the code you write going forward will expect the input to be a .npy file containing the vectors and words. The only program that will read in text files and write out .npy files is your program. Use argparse so that your program has the following interface:

$ python3 -h

usage: [-h] GloVeFILE npyFILE

positional arguments:

GloVeFILE a GloVe text file to read from

npyFILE an .npy file to write the saved numpy data to

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

You can look back at past labs and/or at the argparse tutorial for help with writing the interface.

With this interface, you can convert the glove/glove.6B.50d.txt file into a .npy file as follows:

$ python3 glove/glove.6B.50d.txt glove.6B.50d.npy

If you're on knuth, make sure to use the full path to the embeddings:

$ python3 glove/glove.6B.50d.txt glove.6B.50d.npy

If this has trouble on knuth, it may be because you are near your quota for file space. You can run the command quota -s to see if you've exceeded your quota or are close to it; if so, you might look up the disk usage utility du to help sleuth around for large files in your Downloads/ or Library/ that can go away for now. If you can't get that working, let Prof. Xanda know, and she'll help you set up your files somewhere that there will be space.

Before going to the next section, be sure that you can run the command above with no errors.

Measuring similarity

Store the solutions you write for this section (computing cosine similarity) to a file called You will want to import your code from the into this file.

Calculating the cosine similarity

The GloVe algorithm is designed to produce similar vectors for semantically similar words. We can test how well the GloVe vectors capture semantic similarity with cosine similarity. In the figure below (source), vectors u and v are separated by an angle of θ:

As you'll recall from the reading, using angles to capture similarity can help us counteract the effects that word frequency may have on the magnitude of our vectors. Two vectors that are separated by a small angle are more similar than two vectors separated by a large angle. Rather than find the actual angle in between the two vectors, however, we will find the cosine of the angle between the two vectors. When the angle between two vectors is 0, the cosine of the angle between the two vectors is 1. As the angle between the two vectors increases, the cosine of the angle decreases. When the two vectors are as far apart as possible (180 degrees rotated from one another), the cosine of the angle between them is -1.

To compute the cosine similarity, we can use the following formula:

where u v is the dot product between the two vectors, and |u| is the length of vector u. This length is calculated using the standard Euclidean distance function, i.e., the square root of the sum of the squares of each of the elements in the vector (with 50 dimensions, this sum over i would go from 0 to 49):

Computing lengths

Before we rush into any implementation, we're going to pause and think about running time. If you only needed to compute the cosine similarity between two vectors, you could just use the formula above, taking the dot product and then dividing by their lengths. However, you’re going to be computing the cosine similarity between lots of vectors, lots of times, and calculating the length of the vectors over and over will make your program slower.

However, there's good news: you don’t actually have to compute the square root of the sum of the squares in order to find the length of a vector! In fact, numpy will do this for you with the numpy.linalg.norm function. The example below shows how to compute the length of a single vector i in the array:

vector = array[i]

vector_length = numpy.linalg.norm(vector)

It gets better: numpy is really good at mapping operations like norm across a whole bunch of data, including a matrix of stacked-up word embeddings. If you want to compute the norm (length) of each vector in the matrix, numpy can do that as well; you just have to tell it the direction that the vectors are stored, or the "axis" (e.g. rows or columns for a 2-dimensional array like ours).
The axis effectively tells us which index should be changing when we look at our vectors. In numpy notation (and most notational schemes for matrices in code), we index into our matrix using an ordered list of coordinates: for instance, mat[i,j] would refer to the value in the ith row and jth column of mat. When we specify an axis for an operation, we're telling numpy which of these coordinates is going to help index entries within each of our vectors, with the assumption that the other coordinate(s) will distinguish which vector we're looking at. In this case we use the argument axis=1 to mean we should use row vectors (that is, that each of our vectors spans all of our columns). If we had wanted to use columns instead, we would use axis=0 instead (to show that each of our column vectors would span all of our rows).

array_lengths = numpy.linalg.norm(array, axis=1)

For a number of reasons (related to code optimization, numpy tricks that get around Python slowness, and the whole discipline of scientific computing), computing the norm of all the row vectors in the matrix at once is much faster than calculating it for each row individually.

Note that by default, the value of axis is None, which will work for a single vector, but will compute a single scalar norm for a whole 2-dimensional other words, not what we want at all. To generalize the call to norm so that it works on both vectors and arrays, we can take advantage of the fact that every numpy array has an ndim property that tells how many dimensions it has. Our two-dimensional array will have ndim=2, and our one-dimensional vector will have ndim=1.

Write a helper function called compute_length that takes a (one or two dimensional) numpy array as its input. It should return the norm of the array along its last dimension by using ndim to set the axis parameter:

>>> a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4])

>>> b = numpy.array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])

>>> compute_length(a)


>>> compute_length(b)

array([ 5.47722558, 13.19090596])

Computing the cosine similarity

Write a function called cosine_similarity in your file that accepts two arrays as input.

Remember that to compute the cosine between two vectors you first compute their dot product and then divide by their lengths. You could compute the dot product by hand, but as with norms, numpy already has dot products implemented in a super-speedy way:

dot_product =, vector_2)

# or
dot_product =

In a bizarre evolution, the function computes not only dot products of vectors, but also matrix-matrix, matrix-scalar, and matrix-vector products! To have this function take the dot product of a 1-dimensional vector with every row vector in a matrix, you should pass in the matrix of row vectors as the first argument and the vector as the second. However, for the arguments to cosine_similarity, you should assume that if one of the two arguments is two-dimensional, it’ll be array2.

When you are done, you should be able to call cosine_similarity like this:

>>> a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5])

>>> b = numpy.array([0,1,0,1,0])

>>> cosine_similarity(a, b)


>>> c = numpy.array([[0,1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0,1]])

>>> cosine_similarity(a, c)

array([0.57207755, 0.70064905])

Given a word, find the row number in the array

You’re ready to find the cosine similarity between the vector for "cat" and the vector for "dog". But wait – which vectors are those? You’ll have to do something like this to get a vector for a particular word.

cat_index = wordlist.index('cat')

cat_vector = array[cat_index]

To avoid repeating this tedious syntax, add a function get_vec to that takes a word, the wordlist, and the array as input, and returns the appropriate vector:

cat_vector = get_vec('cat', wordlist, array)

Check In

This is a good point to stop and make sure that things are working correctly. Here are three tests that you can do to see if things are working well. Don't be alarmed if you have a different number of digits for 2 or 3; the precision of your answers (that is, the number of digits you see after the decimal point) may be different depending on how you printed them out.

  1. The index of the word "cat" in the list of words should be 5450.

  2. The length of the vector for "dog" is 4.858045696798486.

  3. The cosine similarity between the vector for "cat" and the vector for "dog" is 0.9218005273769252.

Finding the top n closest vectors

Now that we can find the cosine between two vectors, write a function called closest_vectors that takes four parameters: a vector v, the list of words words, the array of row vectors array, and an integer n.

Compute the cosine similarity between v and every other vector in the array. Return a list of tuples containing the top n words that were closest along with their similarity. For example, if v1 was the vector for the word "cat":

closest_vectors(v1, words, array, 3)

[(1.0, 'cat'), (0.9218005273769252, 'dog'), (0.8487821210209759, 'rabbit')]

Hint: Do not use a loop anywhere in your code – it will be far, far less efficient than letting numpy process the entire array at the same time! You may find the built-in python zip function helpful here. If you want to do something a bit fancier, you might think about using numpy's sorting functionality directly (with numpy.sort or numpy.argsort) but you can also use Python's built-in sorting.

Unsurprisingly, the vector for the word "cat" was closest: since it's identical to the vector v1 that we passed in, the angle was 0 and the cosine similarity was therefore 1.

For the questions immediately below, just ignore the first result, which will always be the original word with similarity 1.0, or just about 1.0. (Later we will care what this first result is, so don’t rewrite the code to throw away the first result!)

Running from the command line

When you run your program from the command line, it should have the following interface:

usage: [-h] [--word WORD] [--file FILE] [--num NUM] npyFILE

Find the n closest words to a given word (if specified) or to all of the words in a text file (if specified). If neither is specified, compute nothing.

positional arguments:

npyFILE an .npy file to read the saved numpy data from

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--word WORD, -w WORD a single word

--file FILE, -f FILE a text file with one word per line.

--num NUM, -n NUM find the top n most similar words

If you want to find the 3 closest words to the word "cat", you would write:

python3 glove.6B.50d.npy --word cat -n 3

If you had a text file that had words, one per line, and you wanted to find the 5 closest for each of them (for instance, if you were answering the first question below and you wanted to just put all of those words in one file), you could write:

python3 glove.6B.50d.npy --file words.txt

Questions (Part 1)

  1. For each of the following words, report the top 5 most similar words, along with the similarity. In your writeup, skip the result showing each word’s similarity to itself (which means you are really only going to report the 4 most similar words).

    1. red

    2. magenta

    3. flower

    4. plant

    5. two

    6. thousand

    7. one

    8. jupiter

    9. mercury

    10. oberlin

  2. Discuss results that you find interesting or surprising. Are there any results you aren’t sure about?

  3. Choose another 10 (or more) words and report your results. Did you find anything interesting? Share any/all observations you have made.

Plotting the vectors for related words

Store the solutions you write for this section (plotting vectors) to a file called You will want to import your code from into this file so that you can once again load the array of vectors and their associated words from the .npy file.

On the GloVe website, the authors report some images that show consistent spatial patterns between pairs of words that have some underlying semantic relationship. For example, the authors include this image which shows how pairs of words normally associated as (male, female) pairs are related spatially:

For this part of the assignment, we will try to duplicate their experiments. Given the GloVe vectors and a set of words with some semantic relationship, e.g. (male, female) nouns, we will plot the vector for each word and draw line connecting the two.

Plotting a multidimensional GloVe vector

We’d like to be able take a bunch of GloVe vectors and make a 2D plot. You’ll notice that our GloVe vectors are anywhere from 50 to 300 dimensions long, which is many more dimensions than we can see. Instead, we'll use a dimensionality reduction technique called principal component analysis (PCA) to map each of our original embeddings to vectors of dimension 2 while trying to retain most of the spatial relationships we had in the higher dimensional space. You don’t need to fully grasp how PCA works for this lab, but reading through this short introduction to PCA might be helpful to fill in some context or, if you've seen it before, to refresh your memory.

Sidebar: PCA's dimensionality-reducing sibling, the singular value decomposition (or SVD), is actually a word embedding algorithm in its own right! If you apply SVD to a term-document matrix, the resulting vectors you get can word as both word and document embeddings. This model is called LSA, or Latent Semantic Analysis, and dates back to 1988.

Extracting the words

We’re going to use scikit-learn, a Python machine learning library, to perform PCA for us. However, we don't want to perform PCA on the whole array. Rather, we’re going to extract all the words in the pairs of related words that we’re interested in and put them into a new, smaller array. Then we’ll perform PCA on that, with the hope that our dimensionality reduction will do a better job of keeping the useful higher-dimensional information about just the words we care about.

Let’s assume you’ve somehow acquired a list of related words that you’d like to plot. For example:

related = [('brother', 'sister'), ('nephew', 'niece'), ('werewolf', 'werewoman')]

You want to go through the array and extract all the rows that match the words you want to plot. However, you only want to extract the rows if both words can be found in the array. For example, in the glove.6B.50d.txt file, the words ‘brother’, ‘sister’, ‘nephew’, ‘niece’, and ‘werewolf’ appear, but ‘werewoman’ doesn’t appear. You’ll want to extract the vectors only for ‘brother’, ‘sister’, ‘nephew’, and ‘niece’, skipping ‘werewolf’ (even though it has a vector) and ‘werewoman’.

Write a function called extract_words that takes three parameters: the array and wordlist that you read in from the .npy file, along with a list of related pairs. Your function will create two new numpy arrays for the pairs for which both words have vectors: one that contains only the vectors for the first word in each pair, and one that contains only the vectors for the second word in each pair. Your function will also create a new shorter list of relations that only includes the entries where both words have a GloVe vector. So, the number of rows in both of your arrays should equal the number of relations in your shorter list.

NOTE: Be sure to extract the words into the new arrays in the order they appeared in the list of related words. This way, row i of the first array will correspond to row i of the second array, and the corresponding words will be in the ith element of the filtered list of relations. In this case, the first array would contain rows for "brother" and "nephew", and the second array would have rows for "sister" and "niece". The filtered relations returned would be [('brother', 'sister'), ('nephew', 'niece')].

Performing PCA

We will use the scikit-learn PCA class to perform PCA on our array of extracted vectors. Below is the code needed to perform PCA on your array:

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # put this at the top of your program

def perform_pca(array, n_components):

# For the purposes of this lab, n_components will always be 2.

pca = PCA(n_components=n_components)

pc = pca.fit_transform(array)

return pc

pca_array = perform_pca(array, 2)

We need to perform dimensionality reduction on all of the relevant words at once, but we’ve got the words from our relations split into two different arrays. The solution is to stack them together before passing them to perform_pca:

array = numpy.vstack((first_vectors, second_vectors))

Then we can extract the PCA-transformed vectors for each of our smaller arrays from array.

Plotting the vectors

This section will explain how to write a function called plot_relations. The function will take your two PCA-transformed arrays and pca_words as parameters and will plot the vectors. There is no return value for the function; instead, it'll save the plot as an image. In the description that follows, assume that the array you perfomed PCA on is called pca_array and the short list of words associated with that array is called pca_words.

Let’s go ahead and directly plot all of the vectors in the array we just performed PCA on since they are all 2D vectors. In the example below, there’s the optional argument c which sets the color to r (red) and the optional argument s which sets the size of the point. You may wish to read the documentation for the matplotlib function scatter.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # put at the top of your file

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

ax.scatter(first_array[:,0], first_array[:,1], c='r', s=50)

ax.scatter(second_array[:,0], second_array[:,1], c='r', s=50)


Remember that for pyplot to work in Docker or over ssh, you’ll want to change the backend that it uses:

import matplotlib


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Assuming you used the short list of relations from above that included only ‘brother’, ‘sister’, ‘nephew’, and ‘niece’, you’d get this picture:

Coloring the points

We can improve on this picture by making the first half of the each relation in one color and the second half of each relation in another color. :

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

ax.scatter(first_array[:,0], first_array[:,1], c='r', s=50)

ax.scatter(second_array[:0], second_array[:1], c='b', s=50)


Now your picture should look like this, with ‘brother’ and ‘nephew’ in red, and ‘sister’ and ‘niece’ in blue.

Adding text labels

Now we’re getting somewhere! Two more important pieces to add. First, let’s add text labels to each of the dots so we know what each one is representing. This is a bit trickier to do in matplotlib, but the basic idea is to iterate over each of the elements of the arrays and annotate that (x,y) coordinate with the associated word:

for i in range(len(first_array)):

(x,y) = first_array[i]

plt.annotate(relations[i][0], xy=(x,y), color="black")

(x,y) = second_array[i]

plt.annotate(relations[i][1], xy=(x,y), color="black")

Put that code before the plt.savefig() line in the example above. You should now get text labels attached to your data points.

Connecting pairs of related words

Finally, let’s connect pairs of related words with a line. Since we were careful to extract the related words in the same order as they appeared the relations, all you need to do now is make a vector that connects each entry in first_array with the corresponding point from second_array:

for i in range(len(first_array)):

(x1,y1) = first_array[i]

(x2,y2) = second_array[i]

ax.plot((x1, x2), (y1,y2), linewidth=1, color="lightgray")

If you add that code before the plt.savefig() you should now have a picture that looks like this:

Putting it all together

Write a function called read_relations that takes a file pointer as its only parameter, reads the relations, and stores them in a list of tuples as shown above. In the /cs/cs159/data/glove/relations/ directory (in Docker and on knuth), there are some files that contains pairs of relations. Each file starts with a header and then is followed by the pairs of words. For example, here is the start of the gender.txt file:

male female

brother sister

nephew niece

uncle aunt

Now you should be able to:

  1. Read in the array and words from a saved .npy file using the load_glove_array function in your file,

  2. Read in the list of relations using read_relations,

  3. Extract the vectors you want to plot using extract_words,

  4. Perform PCA on the these vectors using perform_pca, and finally

  5. Plot these vectors using plot_relations

Hint: Be sure to skip the header row when you read in the relations. In the example above, we would not want to include (‘male’,’female’) as one of our pairs!

Running from the command line

When you run your program from the command line, it should have the following interface:

usage: [-h] [--plot PLOT] npyFILE relationsFILE

Generate a plot showing the vector space relationship between pairs of words

after projecting to two dimensions.

positional arguments:

npyFILE an .npy file to read the saved numpy data from

relationsFILE a file containing pairs of relations

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--plot PLOT, -p PLOT Name of file to write plot to.

For example, to run on the capitals.txt file found in /cs/cs159/data/glove/relations, you would write:

python3 glove.6B.50d.npy /cs/cs159/data/glove/relations/capitals.txt


  1. Plot each of the relations found in the /cs/cs159/data/glove/relations/ directory and share those plots. What did you find? Did the plots look like you expected them to look? Were there any anomalous data points? Which ones? Can you explain why?

  2. Make your own relations files with ideas that you have about words you think might follow a similar pattern to the ones you’ve seen. You decide how many words are in the file and what the words are; it should be enough pairs to see whether there's a clear trend but to still read most of the words. Save the images of the plots you make and include them in your writeup. (If you need a reminder, check the Markdown Cheatsheet to see how to include images in your markdown file.)

    1. Answer the same kinds of questions you did before: what did you find? Is it what you expected? What behaved unusually, and can you explain why?

    2. While you should create and analyze relation files and plots for at least two different concepts, you may do so for more if you want.

Just pretty pictures?

You might be impressed by some of the plots you made. These plots illustrate that some pairs of words seem to have a consistent relationship between them that you can visualize as a relative vector between each pair of words with a relation.

A question you might be asking at this point is: do these relative vectors have predictive power? That is, if you found the vector that went from ‘France’ to ‘Paris’, could you use that information to figure out what the capital of ‘Hungary’ was?

Put your work for this part in You’ll want to import your work from, and to the amount of additional code you need to write.

Average vector difference

Let’s say we have two vectors, a and b, that correspond to two words in our relations file, say, ‘paris’ and ‘france’. Using the array of vectors you read from the .npy file, we can subtract the vectors to find the vector that connects them (source):

To perform vector subtraction is straightforward since our data is in a numpy array: we can just subtract them.

# assume i is the index for 'paris'; j is the index for 'france'

a = array[i]

b = array[j]

difference = a - b

If we compute this difference for all the pairs in a single relations file, we can then find the average of the vectors that connects the second word back to the first word for a relation category, i.e. that go from the head of vector b to the head of vector a as above. Computing an average of vectors in numpy is straightforward: this code snippet will add vectors together (i.e., with each dimension computed as the sum of that dimension's component for each vector in the list) and then divide each dimension by the number of vectors, returning a vector of the right number of dimensions.

# assuming vec_list is a list of vectors to average

vec_average = sum(vec_list) / len(vec_list)

Write a function called average_difference that takes takes in two lists of vectors aligned from your list of relations (not your PCA array, we want all the dimensions this time!), and returns the average vector that connects the second word to the first word. Before trying to find the average using this function, you’ll want to call your extract_words function (from to be sure you are only including vectors from pairs when both words in that pair are present in the GloVe vectors.

Checking In

Confirm that if you call average_difference on the list of capitals:

>>> vectors, word_list = load_glove_vectors(open('glove.6B.50d.npy', 'rb'))

>>> relations = read_relations(open('/cs/cs159/data/glove/relations/capitals.txt', 'r'))

>>> first_vectors, second_vectors, filtered_relations = extract_words(vectors, word_list, relations)

>>> average_difference(first_vectors, second_vectors)

array([-0.18627339, -0.26317049, 0.17030255, 0.43701725, 0.16707977,

0.86099581, -0.07961395, 0.01014545, 0.61959703, -0.19781956,

0.45372029, 0.44471294, 0.16313602, 0.00503606, 0.36542749,

-0.1444905 , 0.48303639, -0.47015734, 0.25572651, 0.02274702,

-0.81704154, -0.59813495, 0.38894613, -0.05727273, 0.27917444,

-0.56317871, 0.09013458, -0.6338838 , 0.16036273, 0.29475181,

0.98104606, 0.22581829, -0.15036515, 0.40063784, -0.27249855,

0.09014918, -0.50477734, 0.22823555, -0.54680776, -0.62630517,

-0.09280188, 0.13292668, 0.44410797, -0.38561225, 0.05125493,

0.44833198, -0.39390393, 0.02035118, -0.26271407, -0.21621015])

Predictive ability

Earlier in the lab you wrote code that found the most similar word to words like ‘red’ and ‘jupiter’. In this final part of the lab, we’re going to see if we can use the average vector above to make predictions about how words are related.

Repeat each of the questions below with each of the relations files provided in the /cs/cs159/data/glove/relations/ directory. You’ll need to have read in the array and words from the .npy file as well as a list of relations from the relations file. (Hint: it might be nice if you wrote an argparse interface to do this, right?)

Encapsulate all of the steps you’ll want to take for each data set in a function called do_experiment. That function should do the following setup before whatever analysis you need to answer the questions below.

  1. Given a list of relations, shuffle the list so that the order that they appear in the list is randomized. Pairs of words should remain together!

  2. Create a list called training_relations that contains the first 80% of the relations in this shuffled list. (Round, as necessary, if your list isn’t evenly divisible).

  3. Create a list called test_relations that contains the last 20% of the relations in this shuffled list. Again, be mindful of rounding: your training_relations and test_relations lists should not contain any overlapping pairs and, between them, should contain all of the original relations.

  4. Using your average_difference function, find the average difference between all of the words in your training_relations.

While there’s no required interface for as an executable, you should skim through the questions below before you start and think about how to organize your code to make it easy to answer all of the questions below. It’s always easier to call your executable with different command-line arguments than to have to change to your code to run a slightly different analysis, and it helps reduce the effort to ensure that you know exactly what code produced each of your results.


For these questions, you'll add code that follows the setup above in do_experiment to provide these analyses.

  1. For each vector representing the second word in the test_relations, use your closest_vectors function to find the 100 most similar vectors/words. Exclude the first result, as it will be the original word.

    1. How often is the first word in the original relation pair also the most similar word?

    2. How often is the first word in the relation in the top 10 most similar words?

    3. Report the mean reciprocal rank for where you found the first word in the results. Mean reciprocal rank is a popular metric in information retrieval applications (e.g., search engines) for determining how high up in a list of items a result is. The formula is below, where r represents the rank of the first word on the list of word vectors closest to the second word (aside from the second word itself).

For example, if for one pair of words, the first word in the pair was the 3rd closest to the second word in the pair, then we would add 1/3 into our sum for that word. If the rank would be greater than 100, then instead of use 1 over the rank, simply round down to 0 for that word pair.

2. For each vector representing the second word in the test_relations, add the average vector difference you computed above to this vector. This will make a new vector whose length (that is, the vector magnitude) you do not know. Now you can use your closest_vectors function to find the 100 most similar vectors/words to this new vector (and its new length). Since this is a whole new vector, the first result may not be the original word anymore, so don’t throw it away!

    1. How often is the first word in the relation also the most similar word?

    2. How often is the first word in the relation in the top 10 most similar words?

    3. Using the same method as before, report the mean reciprocal rank for the first word among the top 100 words (using 0 instead if the first word isn't in the top 100).

3. What did you just do? Explain in your own words what these two questions accomplished, if anything. Are you surprised at the results? Unsurprised?

4. Repeat this experiment a couple times because you shuffled the data and so there was some randomness in the results you got. Comment on the extent to which the results you get are consistent across runs.

5. Additional analysis. Do at least one of the following:

  1. Repeat this experiment for the relations files that you created to see how this technique works on those. Comment on the results. Are you surprised by what you found as compared with the experiments above?

  2. Repeat this experiment with a bigger model. You used glove.6B.50d.txt for all of your experiments. You can represent more fine-grained spatial information with higher-dimensional word embeddings, e.g., glove.6B.100d.txt or glove.6B.200d.txt. Repeat your analysis with those models, and comment on which results do and do not change.

Wrapping Up

When you're finished with the lab, as usual, you should compile into a PDF using pandoc:

pandoc -o analysis.pdf

Once you're certain you're done, you should probably also clean up any big files saved from this lab, such as the .npy files you generated and (if you're using Docker) the downloaded embeddings in glove/.