Lab 2: Tokenization and Segmentation

Starter Code

Get the starter code on GitHub Classroom by starting a repository with a unique name for your team (making sure it references the lab number). You'll need to have Docker working or log in to knuth ( to get to the files in parts 2 and 3.

PART 1: Tokenizer Basics

Put all of your code for this part in The starter code has an empty main function that you should fill in with code to demonstrate how your functions in this part work.

You should call your main function using the following pattern:

if __name__ == '__main__':


This pattern will be useful for you as you develop more complex python programs. It allows you to write functions that will can be imported into other programs while still having your be runnable as a stand-alone program.

The main function should be the only place where you print anything.

The answers to each of the questions in the lab writeup should be entered in the appropriate part of, which you should convert to a pdf (using pandoc) and submit to Gradescope. If you need help getting pandoc running on your own machine, you can refer to the Docker instructions for a way to use Docker to do this.

Part 1(a)

Write a function called get_words that takes a string s as its only argument. The function should return a list of the words in the same order as they appeared in s. Note that in this question a “word” is defined as a “space-separated item”. For example:

>>> get_words('The cat in the hat ate the rat in the vat')

['The', 'cat', 'in', 'the', 'hat', 'ate', 'the', 'rat', 'in', 'the', 'vat']

Hint: If you don’t know how to approach this problem, read about str.split() .

Part 1(b)

Write a function called count_words that takes a list of the words of s as its only argument and returns a collections.Counter that maps a word to the frequency that it occurred in s. Use the output of the get_words function as the input to this function.

>>> s = 'The cat in the hat ate the rat in the vat'

>>> words = get_words(s)

>>> count_words(words)

Counter({'the': 3, 'in': 2, 'The': 1, 'cat': 1, 'hat': 1, 'ate': 1, 'rat': 1, 'vat': 1})

Notice that this is somewhat unsatisfying because the is counted separately from The. To fix this, have your get_words function be able to lower-case all of the words before returning them. You won’t want to break any previous code you wrote, though (backwards compatibility is important!), so add a new parameter to get_words with a default value:

def get_words(s, do_lower=False)

Now, if get_words is called the way we were using it above, nothing will change. But if we call get_words(s, do_lower=True) then get_words should lowercase the string before getting the words. You can make use of str.lower to modify the string. When you’re done, the following should work:

>>> s = 'The cat in the hat ate the rat in the vat'

>>> words = get_words(s, do_lower=True)

>>> count_words(words)

Counter({'the': 4, 'in': 2, 'cat': 1, 'hat': 1, 'ate': 1, 'rat': 1, 'vat': 1})

Part 1(c)

Write a function called words_by_frequency that takes a list of words as its only required argument. The function should return a list of (word, count) tuples sorted by count such that the first item in the list is the most frequent item. Items with the same frequency should be in the same order they appear in the original list of words.

words_by_frequency should, additionally, take a second parameter n that specifies the maximum number of results to return. If n is passed, then only the n most frequent words should be returned. If n is not passed, then all words should be returned in order of frequency.

>>> words_by_frequency(words)

[('the', 4), ('in', 2), ('cat', 1), ('hat', 1), ('ate', 1), ('rat', 1), ('vat', 1)]

>>> words_by_frequency(words, n=3)

[('the', 4), ('in', 2), ('cat', 1)]

Part 2: Through the Rabbit Hole

Next, you will explore some files from Project Gutenberg, a library of free eBooks for texts outside of copyright.

The Gutenberg texts are all available in /cs/cs159/data/gutenberg/ in both the Docker image and on knuth.

Part 2(a)

In the Gutenberg data directory there are a number of .txt files containing texts found in the Project Gutenberg collection. First, you should read in the text of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, which is stored in the file carroll-alice.txt. Use your words_by_frequency and count_words functions from Part 1 to explore the text. For the rest of this lab, you will always lowercase when getting a list of words. You should find that the five most frequent words in the text are:

the 1603

and 766

to 706

a 614

she 518

Note: If your numbers were right in the previous part, but don’t match here, it may be because of how you’re calling split. Take a look at the documentation for split to see if there’s a different way you can call it.


  1. If your count_words function is working correctly, it should report that the word alice occurs 221 times. Confirm that you get this result with your code.

  2. The word alice actually appears 398 times in the text, though this is not the answer you got for the previous question. Why? Examine the data to see if you can figure it out before continuing. (If you're working on the command line, you can open a text file for reading using the command less path/to/textfile.txt and navigate using the arrow keys. The Q key will exit when you're done.)

Part 2(b)

A spoiler for 2(a): there is a deficiency in how we implemented the get_words function. When we are counting words, we probably don’t care whether the word was adjacent to a punctuation mark. For example, the word hatter appears in the text 57 times, but if we queried the count_words dictionary, we would see it only appeared 24 times. However, it also appeared numerous times adjacent to a punctuation mark, so those instances got counted separately:

>>> word_freq = words_by_frequency(words)

>>> for (word, freq) in word_freq:

... if 'hatter' in word:

... print('{:10} {:3d}'.format(word, freq))


hatter 24

hatter. 13

hatter, 10

hatter: 6

hatters 1

hatter's 1

hatter; 1

hatter.' 1

Our get_words function would be better if it separated punctuation from words. We can accomplish this by using the re.split function. Be sure to import re at the top of your file to make re.split() work. Below is a small example that demonstrates how str.split works on a small text and compares it to using re.split:

>>> text = '"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "to ask me is in vain."'

>>> text.split()

['"Oh', 'no,', 'no,"', 'said', 'the', 'little', 'Fly,', '"to', 'ask', 'me', 'is',

'in', 'vain."']

>>> re.split(r'(\W)', text)

['', '"', 'Oh', ' ', 'no', ',', '', ' ', 'no', ',', '', '"', '', ' ', 'said', ' ', 'the',

' ', 'little', ' ', 'Fly', ',', '', ' ', '', '"', 'to', ' ', 'ask', ' ', 'me', ' ', 'is',

' ', 'in', ' ', 'vain', '.', '', '"', '']

Note that this is not exactly what we want, but it is a lot closer. In the resulting list, we find empty strings and spaces, but we have also successfully separated the punctuation from the words.

Using the above example as a guide, write and test a function called tokenize that takes a string as an input and returns a list of words and punctuation, but not extraneous spaces and empty strings. Like get_words, tokenize should take an optional argument do_lower that determines whether the string should be case normalized before separating the words. You don’t need to modify the re.split() line: just remove the empty strings and spaces.

>>> tokenize(text, do_lower=True)

['"', 'oh', 'no', ',', 'no', ',', '"', 'said', 'the', 'little',

'fly', ',', '"', 'to', 'ask', 'me', 'is', 'in', 'vain', '.', '"']

>>> print(' '.join(tokenize(text, do_lower=True)))

" oh no , no , " said the little fly , " to ask me is in vain . "

Checking In

Use your tokenize function in conjunction with your count_words function to list the top 5 most frequent words in carroll-alice.txt. You should get this:

' 2871 <-- single quote

, 2418 <-- comma

the 1642

. 988 <-- period

and 872

Part 2(c)

Write a function called filter_nonwords that takes a list of strings as input and returns a new list of strings that excludes anything that isn’t entirely alphabetic. Use the str.isalpha() method to determine is a string is comprised of only alphabetic characters.

>>> text = '"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "to ask me is in vain."'

>>> tokens = tokenize(text, do_lower=True)

>>> filter_nonwords(tokens)

['oh', 'no', 'no', 'said', 'the', 'little', 'fly', 'to', 'ask', 'me',

'is', 'in', 'vain']

Use this function to list the top 5 most frequent words in carroll-alice.txt. Confirm that you get the following before moving on:

the 1642

and 872

to 729

a 632

it 595

Part 2(d)

Iterate through all of the files in the gutenberg data directory and print out the top 5 words for each. To get a list of all the files in a directory, use the os.listdir function:

import os

directory = '/cs/cs159/data/gutenberg/'

files = os.listdir(directory)

infile = open(os.path.join(directory, files[0]), 'r', encoding='latin1')

This example also uses the function os.path.join that you might want to read about.

Note about encodings: This open function above uses the optional encoding argument to tell Python that the source file is encoded as latin1. Be sure to use this encoding flag to read the files in the Gutenberg corpus, as the default (Unicode) won't work!

Token Analysis Questions

Answer the following questions in

  1. Most Frequent Word: Loop through all the files in the gutenberg data directory that end in .txt. Is 'the' always the most common word? If not, what are some other words that show up as the most frequent word (and in which documents)? What do you notice about these words?

  2. Impact of Lowercasing: If you don’t lowercase all the words before you count them, how does this result change, if at all? Discuss what you observe.

Note: For any lab in this course, if a question (like the one above) asks you to discuss results, that always means both what the results were and what that implies about the world (i.e., your corpus, your method, etc.). A sadly common way to lose points in this class has been forgetting to interpret or analyze results. A good recipe for full points on this sort of question is a paragraph that goes something like "the result was X, specific interesting examples were X' and X", this is/isn't surprising because it would imply P or Q, this implies it might be better to do Y / to evaluate Z to learn more". Even if your hypothesis of what's going on is different from the truth, you'll usually get full points for a plausible and descriptive answer.

Sentence Segmentation

In this next part of the lab, you will write a simple sentence segmenter.

The /cs/cs159/data/brown/ directory includes three English-language text files taken from the Brown Corpus:

  • editorial.txt

  • fiction.txt

  • lore.txt

These files represent large strings of natural language text, with no line breaks nor other special symbols to annotate where sentence splits occur. In the data set you are working with, sentences can only end with one of 5 characters: period, colon, semi-colon, exclamation point and question mark.

However, there is a catch: not every period represents the end of a sentence. Many abbreviations (U.S.A., Dr., Mon., etc., etc.) that can appear in the middle of a sentence, and the period does not indicate the end of the sentence. (If you have a phone that uses autocomplete to type, you may already have had annoying experiences where it automatically capitalized words after these abbreviations!) These text also has many examples where colon is not the end of the sentence. The other three punctuation marks are all nearly unambiguously the ends of a sentence (yes, even semi-colons).

For each of the above files, I have also provided a file in the same directory containing the character index (counting from 0 for the first character) of each of the actual locations of the ends of sentences:

  • editorial-eos.txt

  • fiction-eos.txt

  • lore-eos.txt

Your job is to write a sentence segmenter, and to output the predicted token number of each sentence boundary.

Part 3(a)

The given has some starter code, and can be run from the command line. When it’s called from the command line, it takes one required argument and two optional arguments:

$ python3 ./ --help

usage: [-h] --textfile FILE [--hypothesis_file FILE]

Sentence Segmenter for NLP Lab

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--textfile FILE, -t FILE

Unlabled text is in FILE.

--hypothesis_file FILE, -y FILE

Write hypothesized boundaries to FILE

Make sure you understand how this code uses the argparse module to process command-line arguments. In addition to the module documentation, you may also find the argparse tutorial useful.

As in the past, all print statements should be in your main() function, which should only be called if is run from the command line.

The starter code imports the tokenize function from the last section.

Checking In

Confirm that your Python program can open the file /cs/cs159/data/brown/editorial.txt and that your code from the previous part splits it into 63,333 tokens.

Note: Do not filter out punctuation, since those tokens will be exactly the ones we want to consider as potential sentence boundaries!

Part 3(b)

The starter code contains a function called baseline_segmenter that takes a list of tokens as its only argument. It returns a list of tokenized sentences; that is, a list of lists of words, with one list per sentence.

>>> baseline_segmenter(tokenize('I am Sam. Sam I am.')

[['I', 'am', 'Sam', '.'], ['Sam', 'I', 'am', '.']]

Remember that every sentence in our data set ends with one of the five tokens ['.', ':', ';', '!', '?']. Since it’s a baseline approach, baseline_segmenter predicts that every instance of one of these characters is the end of a sentence.

Fill in the function write_sentence_boundaries. This function takes two arguments: a list of lists of strings (like the one returned by baseline_segmenter) and a pointer to a stream to write output (either an open write-enabled file or stdout). You will need to loop through all of the sentences in the document. For each sentence, you will want to write the index of the last word in the sentence to the filepointer. Remember that python lists are 0-indexed!

Confirm that when you run baseline_segmenter on the file /cs/cs159/data/brown/editorial.txt, it predicts 3278 sentence boundaries, and that the first five predicted boundaries are at tokens 22, 54, 74, 99, and 131.

Part 3(c)

To evaluate your system, I am providing you a program called that compares your hypothesized sentence boundaries with the ground truth boundaries. This program will report to you the true positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives, along with some other metrics (precision, recall, F-measure), which may be new to you. You can run with the -h option to see all of the command-line options that it supports.

A sample run with the output of your baseline segmenter from above (stored in editorial.hyp) would be:

python3 -d /cs/cs159/data/brown/ -c editorial -y editorial.hyp

Run the evaluation on the baseline system’s output for the editorial category, and confirm that you get the following before moving on:

TP: 2719 FN: 0

FP: 559 TN: 60055

PRECISION: 82.95% RECALL: 100.00% F: 90.68%

(A quick aside: this is a good case for why we like to think about F1 score to help reason about acceptable tradeoffs of precision and recall. If only 25% of the punctuation marks we retrieve were true sentence boundaries, we would get recall of 100% still, precision of 25%, and an F1 of 40%: much lower than the arithmetic average of 62.5% we would get from precision and recall. The further either precision or recall gets from 1, the more it affects the F1 score.)

Part 3(d)

Now it’s time to improve the baseline sentence segmenter. We don’t have any false negatives (since we’re predicting that every instance of the possibly-end-of-sentence punctuation marks is, in fact, the end of a sentence), but we have quite a few false positives.

There’s a placeholder for a second segmentation function defined in the starter code. You will fill in that my_best_segmenter function to do a (hopefully!) better job identifying sentence boundaries. The specifics of how you do so are up to you.

You can see the type of tokens that your system is incorrectly characterizing by setting the verbosity of to something greater than 0 using the command line arguments. Setting it to 1 will print out all of the false positives and false negatives so you can work to improve your my_best_segmenter function.

To test your segmenter, I will run it on a hidden text you haven’t seen yet. It may not make sense for you to spend a lot of time trying to fix obscure cases that show up in the three texts I am providing you because these cases may never show up in the hidden text that you haven’t seen. However, you should handle cases that occur multiple times, as well as cases that appear only once if you suspect they could appear in the hidden text (that is, you don't perceive them to be unique to the passages you've been given). You want to write your code to be as general as possible so that it works well on the hidden text without leading to too many false positives.


Answer the following questions in

  1. Describe (using the metrics from the evaluation script) the performance of your final segmenter.

  2. Describe at least 3 things that your final segmenter does better than the baseline segmenter and discuss them. What cases are you most proud of catching in your segmenter? Include specific examples that are handled well.

  3. Describe at least 3 places where your segmenter still makes mistakes and discuss them. Include specific examples where your segmenter makes the wrong decision. If you had another week to work on this, what would you add? If you had the rest of the semester to work on it, what would you do?

Please remember to compiler your analysis PDF using pandoc prior to submission.